
Beyond the fortress of books

I grew up in the era of Toys R Us, when Geoffrey the Giraffe beckoned kids from across the parking lot or through the television screen to a wonderland that seemed to offer every toy imaginable. 

Yet, other than a vague recollection of toy-filled aisles, I have no specific memory attached to that store. What I do remember are regular trips to the public library in Merrillville, Indiana, with my mom and twin sister.

We’d enter the book fortress, heeding requests to use our indoor voices, and make a beeline for the children’s floor upstairs. First stop: story hour, where we would bask in the delight of a children’s picture book. But the real joy – and first taste of independence – came afterward when our mom would let us wander the aisles choosing new books to check out. It’s how I met the venerable Clifford, Arthur, and Berenstain Bears. (If you sense an animal theme, I’m guilty as charged.)

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