
The Brew: Six Flags Becomes a Drag; Kids Stopped From Singing National Anthem in U.S. Capitol – The Stream

Happy Monday!

Let’s get Brewin’ … .

Six Flags Adds Rainbow Flag. Amusement Parks to Host Drag Shows for “All Ages” 

MAJOR UPDATE! Six Flags of Texas Backs Down From Drag Shows for “All Ages”

Perhaps you’ve noticed the Instagram post below announcing the drag show for “all ages” has been removed. It seems Six Flags Over Texas realized the huge cow pie it was stepping into and has decided not to push drag queens into the face of children. The Instagram post was taken down.

According to the Six Flags website, the drag shows that were going to be out in the open for all ages to see are now at the indoor “Southern Palace” venue. And you now “Must be 18 or older to attend.”

Six Flags will still be all decked out for Pride Month and “Pride”-connected events all month long, but at least innocent eyes will be spared the drag shows. Thank you, Gayle for catching the change!

Seems this summer it might be best to go to Dollywood … where the amusement park performers who look like Dolly Parton may be Dolly Parton, rather than dudes dolled up like Dolly Parton.

Six Flags announced Friday going to be hosting drag s for “all ages” at several of its amusement parks during “Pride” month.

Six Flags Over Texas announced the shows will take place Fridays and Saturdays throughout June, insisting the cavorting drag queens is clean entertainment. “All content is rated PG and is considered to be family-friendly and inclusive for all ages.” (Considered by who?) “Anyone under 17 should consult with a parent or guardian if there is concern.”

In one bit of irony. The Six Flags of Texas drag shows will take place at The Stage in … wait for it … Gotham City.

A wise business decision for Six Flags? Anheuser-Busch is now down $27 billion in market value since Bud Light teamed with Dylan Mulvaney.

Is U.S. Navy Getting the Message?

The U.S. Navy had been promoting Pride Month in a manner that’d make the Village People proud. But suddenly the graphics on Instagram and Twitter disappeared. Fox News reported the graphics were there Thursday, but were gone Friday.

Was it from the growing backlash? The Navy isn’t saying.

China and U.S. Warships Nearly Collide

Meanwhile, as the Navy sinks in wokeness and is distracted by celebrations of diversity, China’s growing bolder. Dangerously so.

On Saturday, a Chinese warship came with 150 yards of the American destroyer USS Chung-Hoon in the Taiwan Strait, cutting right across its bow. Chung-Hoon had to slow down to avoid a collision. The military calls it “an unsafe maritime interaction.” 

Global News caught the incident on video:

That’s the second Chinese military provocation in a week. In late May, a Chinese fighter flew dangerously close to a U.S. reconnaissance airplane in an “aggressive maneuver,” causing the American plane to fly through the fighter’s wake.  

The Biden Fall

Do you think the Chinese military feels more emboldened, less endangered when it sees this?

Yeah, we’ve all had our sandbags. And, yeah, we’re grateful Biden wasn’t hurt. But we’re talking about the American Commander-in-Chief at a U.S. military academy. That’s symbolism. That’s a whole different thing than getting your foot caught while trying to get off your bike at your vacation house.  Especially when his entrance onto the stage at the Air Force Academy was even more telling. And it was followed a couple hours later with Biden conking his head on Marine One.

This is beyond “Is Joe Biden fit for office?” Or “Is it elder abuse for his loved ones to subject him to daily humiliations?” We’ve got China making runs at our reconnaissance planes and destroyers as if they own the skies and seas. As if no one is home in the Oval Office. 

And no one often is, literally. According to a New York Times article, White House officials “leave him alone” on weekends, and generally try to schedule appearances between 12 pm and 4 to avoid tiring “the aging president. 

Another Sign Backlash is Building; Even in Southern California Parents Pushing Back Against Pride Day

Glendale, CA, bumps up against Los Angeles. In other words, it ain’t the Bible Belt. Yet, some schools in Glendale on Friday were described as “ghost towns” as parents kept kids home rather than take part in the school district’s big “Pride Day” celebrations. A teacher at Glenoakes Elementary told Epoch Times that one classroom had only 10 of 35 students show up, and that roughly 60% of all students were absent. 

“There’s a time and a place and age to be gradually introduced to certain things,” said Yeva, a parent of two Glendale Unified elementary school children. “It’s happening so fast and so intensely that it’s concerning to parents who have very young children in schools. I feel like it’s an invasion of our children’s innocence.”

What a good line: “An invasion of our children’s innocence.”

Which gets to our “Ah, Good Point” moment of the day.

Ah, Good Point

On Friday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed a law banning transgender surgeries and use of puberty blockers on children. The ACLU and other groups are already promising to fight the law in court. And the media is aghast with the cruel Abbott’s denial of “gender affirming care” to kids.

To which, this point is made:

Children’s Choir Stopped from Singing National Anthem by Capitol Hill Police. Capitol Police Now Say It Was a “Misunderstanding.”

On Friday, a video went viral of the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir of Greenville, SC being stopped from singing “The Star Spangled Banner” inside the Capitol Rotunda. The incident occurred May 24. Choir director David Rasbach says “When they stopped us and I walked over to the Capitol Police I said, ‘Why are you stopping us?’ They said, ‘Because this is considered a demonstration and we don’t allow demonstrations in the Capitol.’”

Rasbach also says they were told by a cop some people were offended. 

Problem is, the choir had gotten approval to sing from Speaker Kevin McCarthy. 

After the story broke Friday, the Capitol Hill Police released a strident statement denying having stopped the kids from singing. The Daily Signal reported on the statement and the angry response from Rasbach and tour organizer Micah Rea.

However, Capitol police have since released a second statement claiming there was a “miscommunication,” and they did not know Speaker McCarthy had given the “A-Okay.” (Seems you can’t just burst into song in the People’s House. It is deemed a demonstration or protest. You need approval from the Speaker. FYI, you also can’t engage in foot races.)

“We apologize to the choir for this miscommunication that impacted their beautiful rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner and their visit to Capitol Hill.”

McCarthy has invited the choir back … at Congress’ expense. So in the end, all is harmonious. 

Along The Stream

So you’re a “terrorist” if you don’t want Target shoving transgender propaganda in your kids’ face. What’s the answer? Tom Gilson offers one: “Erasing, Invalidating, ‘Terrorist’: Accusations We Face, and How to Answer Them

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTRGabParler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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