
Pat Robertson, TV Host of The 700 Club and Founder of Regent University, Has Died at 93 – The Stream

Pat Robertson, founder of The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), TV Host of The 700 Club, and founder of Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA, has died. The famed evangelist was 93. 

Robertson was born in Lexington, Virginia, on March 22, 1930. In its statement announcing his passing, CBN recalls how Robertson earned a law degree at Yale and hoped to be a successful businessman. But when he met Christ in the 1950s, everything changed. He felt God calling him to start a Christian broadcasting ministry. 

He got wind of a dilapidated TV station for sale in Portsmouth, Virginia. 

“He had no money to speak of, and he decided the Lord wanted him to have that station,” Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, said. “When it was all said and done, Pat got it for free. So that means not only did he have faith, but he was a good negotiator, too.”

From that small station, and with little money but a lot of faith, Robertson built a media empire. He founded The Christian Broadcasting Network in 1960. In 1966, he launched a daily talk show, The 700 Club. It is still on the air today. 

Pat Robertson, Conservative Political Leader … University Founder

Robertson was “part of the conservative leadership that helped propel Ronald Reagan into the White House in 1980,” CBN said in a statement.

In 1988, Robertson ran for the presidency and placed second in the Iowa caucuses. Bishop T.D. Jakes, pastor of the Potter’s House in Dallas, said Robertson shattered the stain glass window. “People of faith were taken seriously beyond the church house and into the White House.”

Bishop Jakes added, “When you think of Pat Robertson, I think one of the major lessons you learn is that if you have a dream, go after it. Even if you fall short of it.”

Robertson founded the Christian Coalition and the American Center for Law and Justice. “Pat always had this vision to go where a lot of people don’t go,” added Laurie. “When you do that, sometimes you’re criticized by people. He’s been a risk taker in the best sense of the word. A visionary. A dreamer. But someone whose message was the Gospel.”

“One of the things I appreciated about Pat Robertson was that Pat always had a sense of the world in mind to permeate all of life. I think that’s why God led him to start Regent University,” said Robertson’s longtime friend and Bible teacher Kay Arthur.

Robertson founded Regent  in 1977. The Virginia Beach, VA, university’s motto is, “Christian leadership to change the world.”

In 2021, Robertson stepped down from hosting The 700 Club. His leave coincided with the ministry’s 60th anniversary, reported CBN.

“What really makes him a giant is that he never pointed toward himself — but to the cross,” said Jakes.

Stream publisher James Robison will be offering his thoughts and reflections on his longtime friend and compatriot later today. 

Please keep the Robertson family in your prayers. 

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