
The Brew: Muslim Children are Now Akin to White Supremacists If They Want to Opt Out of LGBTQ Indoctrination – The Stream

Happy Thursday!

Today’s Brew unfortunately comes with a smoky flavor.

Praying for the Northeast

Spooky skies for the city that never sleeps. Watch this amazing timeline from yesterday, courtesy of the National Weather Service.

We pray for all those impacted by the smoke from the Canadian wildfires. Some one hundred fires in all. Pray for those already struggling with breathing issues. Pray for the fires to be put out … and strong winds to blow what smoke remains out to sea.

The air was off-the-charts hazardous in Syracuse, and “unhealthy” over a good stretch of the eastern United States. The smoke turned the skyline of New York City into an eerie orange and impacted flights at several airports. The air quality in the Big Apple was the most toxic ever recorded.

Today is expected to see much the same, with another thick plume passing further west over Pittsburgh. The advice to those in affected areas: Stay indoors as much as possible. Sure, we like having an excuse not to cut the grass, but this is very nasty air out there.

That didn’t stop AOC from wasting precious oxygen and using the wildfires to push the Green New Deal.

Sick: Maryland Rep. Compares Muslim Children to “White Supremacists” for Opposing LGBTQ Curriculum

Montgomery County, Maryland, is a well-off suburban D.C. enclave. So well off that it’s got nothing better to do than go fully woke. And not a little bonkers. Tuesday night’s a perfect example. A group of Muslim children spoke out at a city council meeting decrying the county’s efforts to force a radical LGBTQ curriculum onto younger children. Lessons that violate the Islamic faith. They want the ability to opt out.

What was the response? Maryland State Rep. Kristin Mink compared the children to white supremacists.

Since 9/11, America has bent over backwards to defend and accommodate Muslims. You have to take your shoes off at airports because some radical Islamists tried to use shoe bombs to take down a plane. A terrorist shouts “Allahu Akbar!” before slaughtering a room full of people and his motive is “unknown.” Islam is the “religion of peace” we were told by the Left. You’re an Islamophobe if you look sideways at a mosque. … That is, until their religious views ran afoul of the LGBTQ movement. Now, suddenly, they’re the KKK.

“This issue has unfortunately put … some Muslim families on the same side of an issue as White supremacists and outright bigots,” Mink said, “The folks who I’ve talked to here today I would not put in the same category as those folks, although, you know, it’s complicated because they’re falling on the same side of this particular issue.”

Thus putting these children in the same category.

Ismail Royal, the director of the Islam and Religious Freedom Action Team for the Religious Freedom Institute, couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“I was shocked,” he told Fox News Digital, “I was absolutely stunned. That’s the last thing that I thought she was going to say,” said. “In fact, the Muslims don’t hate anyone.”

The kids were not alone. A group of concerned parents, mostly people of color, were on hand to protest the County’s decision to eliminate the opt-out option. Asra Nomani chronicled the protest, stating on Twitter, “The hard-left came after the kids and Muslim parents aren’t having it.”

The rally was co-organized by Kareem Monib, co-founder of a new interfaith organization called Coalition of Virtue.

He said:

Our vision at Coalition of Virtue is to bring together Americans of all faiths and persuasions to promote virtue in politics and society. Most of us share the same values when it comes to morality, family, patriotism and a recognition of objective reality. If we do this, we can form a formidable political bloc in this country.

MUST READ ALERT: The Stream’s soft-spoken jack-of-all-trades Austin Roscoe doesn’t write much, but when he does, it’s wise to stop and pay attention. Please check out his “Poison Chalice of ‘Trans’ Affirmation.” He brilliantly flips the script on the trans activists:

“The same voices that tell the gender-questioners, ‘You’re not the problem’ are also inherently saying, “You are the problem” when they say you have to transition to be happy.”

Good News: Children’s Choir Stopped From Singing in U.S. Capitol Gets Another Gig … Performing at a Trump Rally

Remember that children’s choir that got stopped from singing the National Anthem inside the U.S. Capitol … though they had the proper permission? Looks like they’ve lined up another gig. Former President Donald Trump has invited the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir to sing at his upcoming campaign rally in South Carolina. Date to be announced.

Sure they’ll do the National Anthem. But will they do “YMCA”? Groomers want to know … .

Chiefs Kicker Shares Subtle Pro-Life Message at White House Event

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker shared a silent pro-life message while at the White House Monday with his Super Bowl-winning teammates. Butker wore a tie that read “Vulnerari Praesidio” … Latin for “protect the most vulnerable.” The tie was specially made for Butker for the event by Live Action. Butker also wore a gold pin of baby’s feet, representing the size of a 10-week old fetus.

Butker says he wanted to highlight the “forgotten of our society,” especially in light of self-described “devout Catholic” Joe Biden’s administration being aggressively pro-abortion,

“I want to give the most vulnerable, the unborn, a voice at a place where every effort has been made to allow and normalize the tragic termination of their lives,” Butker told The Daily Signal. “As a father who has experienced three miscarriages, my wife and I understand the hardships that come with losing a child. Every life is precious and should be valued whether outside or inside the womb.”

Butker’s not shy about his faith. Earlier this year he raised some ruckus by telling Georgia Tech graduates, “I can offer one controversial antidote that I believe will have lasting impact for generations to come: Get married and start a family.”

Put that one straight through the uprights.

Whistleblower: Military Has Recovered Intact and Partially Intact Non-Human Aircraft

The U.S. military has “deeply covert” programs that have recovered the wreckage of alien aircrafts. And pilots. This according to a whistleblower named David Grusch, who was liaison to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force and the National Geospacial Intelligence co-lead for UAP analysis.

Grusch says the information uncovered has been illegally kept from Congress, and he suffered illegal retaliation for his disclosures.

According to The DeBrief, Grusch is not the only intelligence official coming forward to talk about the U.S. retrieving of craft of non-human origin. The Pentagon, of course, is denying the whistleblower’s claim there is a secret UFO retrieval program.

We can get to the theological implications. But first a question:

Should Congress and the American people know if the military has possession of alien craft and materials?

  1. Yes, we have a right to know if non-humans have been to earth. (Or for that matter, some manner of creature or demons that have been here the whole time.)
  2. No, the truth would cause worldwide upheaval … plus, the U.S. has to reverse engineer what it can before our enemies do.
  3. Got too much else to worry about, Mulder.

Your thoughts at [email protected].

Along The Stream

Well, CNN CEO Chris Licht was fired after only a year on the job Wednesday. I wrote all about it, “CNN Boss Who Tried to Return CNN to Its Former Luster Fired After Only a Year.”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTRGabParler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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