
Only Two Genders? Americans Unveil Stance and Majority Reject Schools Counseling on Gender Behind Parents’ Backs

A new survey has revealed Americans overwhelmingly believe there are only two genders and do not think schools should secretly counsel trans-identifying children without their parents’ knowledge.

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The Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey, conducted May 24-25, 2023, found 71% of U.S. adults agree “there are two genders, male and female” — and 57% strongly agree with the statement.

Just 23% of Americans disagree with the idea male and female are the only genders.

Among other intriguing results in the survey was the finding just 26% of Americans surveyed believe school staff should be permitted to counsel kids about gender and sexual identity without parental consent. Meanwhile, 60% reject such a notion, with an additional 14% stating they are unsure.

Not surprisingly, Republicans — some of the most vocal opponents of schools introducing such topics to young people — are most likely to oppose (75%) counseling kids on gender and sexual identity.

Sixty-four percent of individuals not affiliated with either major political party agree this shouldn’t unfold without parental consent, with 44% of Democrats saying the same, The Christian Post reported.

The survey results come as the national debate over LGBTQ issues reaches a fever pitch. With boycotts of retailer Target and beer brand Bud Light persisting, there’s no telling where the discussion will go next.

As CBN’s Faithwire has reported, the debate over public schools and transgender issues, particularly, has also been heating up.

In one key legal battle, a veteran middle school teacher in California who has spent more than 20 years in the education system is suing officials over the claim she and other educators were implored to conceal students’ gender identities from parents.

Some states like Iowa and Florida are taking the opposite approach, passing legislation requiring schools to let parents know what’s happening regarding mental health and gender, as The Christian Post noted.

With 2024 quickly approaching, it will be interesting to see how education and these related issues come into play among voters.

The survey, conducted among 1,116 U.S. adults, had a margin of error of +/-3 percentage points. Read more about the survey results here.

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