
Largest Catholic health network in the US performs ‘sex change’ surgeries, bombshell report reveals – LifeSite

PARTLOW, Virginia (Lepanto Institute) – A new report by the Lepanto Institute shows that CommonSpirit Health, the largest Catholic health care network in the United States, is performing sex-change operations and other moral abominations. The 64-page bombshell report reveals that CommonSpirit Health, which derives its Catholic identity directly from a Vatican-established entity, has publicly admitted to the following:

  • Performing sex-change surgeries
  • Providing hormone therapies for gender dysphoric patients
  • Providing puberty blockers for kids
  • Providing employee benefits packages that cover the above
  • Dispensing all forms of contraception, including abortifacients
  • Performing elective abortion (at least one location)

“It is depraved beyond measure that CommonSpirit Health is butchering the bodies and genitals of deeply confused and vulnerable people by performing sex-change operations,” said Michael Hichborn, president of the Lepanto Institute. “But what’s truly satanic is that this assault on the Image and Likeness of God is being done in the name of the Catholic Church!’

The report shows, through founding documents and published IRS tax forms, that CommonSpirit Health is a subsidiary of the Catholic Health Care Federation (CHCF), which “By virtue of its decree of Canonical Erection by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, CHCF is a juridic person of Pontifical Right, subject to the direct oversight and jurisdiction of the Apostolic See in the Vatican.”

In addition to performing sex-change operations and related services, CommonSpirit Health is also providing health care benefits packages to employees that cover the cost of these surgeries, hormone therapies, and even puberty blockers for children. The report also cites CommonSpirit’s financial contributions to its sacrilegiously named member, Saint Francis Memorial Hospital Gender Institute, which aided in the purchase of a second robotic surgical instrument for the performance of sex-change operations.

“What CommonSpirit is doing in the name of the Catholic Church is outrageous!” exclaimed Hichborn. “God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their abominable acts. What will become of our Church and our nation while this unspeakable horror is being conducted in the name of the Church?”

The Lepanto Institute is calling upon bishops to move for CommonSpirit to be stripped of its Catholic identity, and to lead public acts of reparation for what it is doing.

The following Executive Summary comes from the new report, which can be viewed in full here.

Executive Summary

The largest Catholic health system in the United States, CommonSpirit Health, is acting directly against Catholic moral teaching in direct defiance of its Catholic identity. This report will prove that CommonSpirit Health is performing transgender surgeries, providing hormone-based transgender therapies, providing puberty blockers to children under the auspices of so-called “gender-affirming care,” is financially subsidizing the same through its employee benefits packages, is financially subsidizing medical institutions performing these procedures and therapies, is providing all forms of modern contraception (including abortifacients) to patients, and is even performing elective abortions and surgical sterilizations.

Created in 2019, CommonSpirit Health, derives its Catholic identity through sponsorship from the Catholic Health Care Federation, a “public juridic person” whose authority is granted by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. This means that direct oversight and jurisdiction over CommonSpirit Health belongs to the Apostolic See in the Vatican, alone.

This report will provide indisputable proof of gross defiance of Catholic moral teaching on the part of CommonSpirit Health in five chapters. In the first chapter, we provide an analysis of CommonSpirit’s background. In this section, we illustrate the process by which CommonSpirit Health derives its Catholic identity and how it continues to maintain its Catholic identity in the public eye. This chapter also explains the various mergers since 2019 which have caused CommonSpirit Health to become not only the largest Catholic health system in the United States but the nation’s second-largest non-profit hospital chain.

In chapter two, this report provides links to and images of CommonSpirit Health’s very public support and promotion of homosexual and transgender ideologies. Through CommonSpirit’s own stated standards, video presentations, podcasts, symposium presentations, and other sources, what is clearly shown in this section is a corporate-wide attachment to perversion that is in direct conflict with its Catholic identity.

In Chapter Three, this report proves beyond all reasonable doubt that, as a “leader” and “top performer” in the HRC Healthcare Equality Index and through published CommonSpirit Employee Benefits Packages, CommonSpirit is providing health benefits to employees that cover sex-change surgeries, transgender hormone therapies, and puberty blockers for children. In this same section, the report provides proof that the same health benefits also cover all contraceptive methods, elective surgical sterilization, and abortions deemed to be “medically necessary” because the life of the mother is “endangered.”

Chapter Four of the report found proof of CommonSpirit Health facilities performing sex-change operations, cosmetic surgeries to alter the external appearance of transitioners and all manner of other transgender “services.”

In Chapter Five, this report proves that several CommonSpirit locations, including its own Catholic hospitals, are providing all forms of contraception, including abortifacients. This same chapter is proof of one of CommonSpirit’s facilities openly performing surgical sterilizations and elective abortions.

Given everything contained in this report, it is clear that CommonSpirit Health is NOT a Catholic institution and must be immediately stripped of its Catholic identity.

The hospitals and medical centers listed in the following chart have been identified in this report for one or more of the following offenses: performing sex-change surgeries; providing transgender healthcare “services (whether by referrals for or the provision of hormone treatments and puberty blockers); providing employee healthcare benefits that cover transgender surgeries and/or “services”; committing abortions; dispensing contraception; performing surgical sterilizations.

Reprinted with permission from the Lepanto Institute

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