
‘Leave our kids alone’: Muslim families protest gender ideology outside Ottawa school board HQ – LifeSite

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) –– A large anti-gender ideology protest led by Muslim Canadians, at which Christians and Jews were also present, took place this afternoon in front of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board headquarters, seeing parents and kids alike voice their opposition to radical gender ideology in the classroom, with much of the ire being directed at a recent gender-neutral pronoun dictate from board officials. 

Video of the protest shows dozens of parents and kids holding up signs reading, “Leave our kids alone” and “Keep gender ideology out of schools,” while at the same time shouting, “Let the parents decide.” 

“The people united can never be defeated!” chanted the roaring crowd in additional footage. 

Live video of the protest was streamed to Facebook by independent journalist Chris Dacey, who at one point commented, “There are people of all faiths here, there’s Christians supporting Muslims, there’s Jews, there’s people of all faiths, all ages, all everything.”

On May 31, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, in an email to all staff, highlighted a new policy taking effect in September that teachers of every grade-level, including kindergarten, must use gender neutral “they/them” pronouns when referring to students.  

The email also said that LGBT “identities” will be “embedded” in the “overall learning environment, from Kindergarten to Grade 12,” and that this new policy is not “open to debate or selective participation.”   

Speaking at this afternoon’s protest were mothers from the local Muslim community, one of whom said she herself is a graduate of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.  

“The purpose of this demonstration is not to defame, nor to show hostility towards the LGBTQ, however, we wish to receive the respect we deserve from the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board,” said the Muslim mother. 

“We wish to draw a separation between their ideologies, and the teachings and values of our religion, and to be sure that it is not being infiltrated among our brothers and sisters.” 

The Muslim mom said that the LGBTQ lobby has “transgressed beyond” its circles to “the circles of other minorities and religious groups,” adding, “They are trying to force their values onto Christians, Jews, and Muslims, are deliberately lying about our scriptures.” 

The mother then noted that many students have been mistreated by teachers if they oppose LGBT propaganda.  

There were no signs of sizeable counter-protesters, and it is not clear if Ottawa-Carleton District School Board staff or trustees came out to talk with the demonstrators.  

This protest is occurring only a few days after the “Education over Indoctrination” rally was held last Friday also in Ottawa, which was hosted by high school student Josh Alexander and pro-family activist Chris Elston.  

Last week’s protest also featured those of the Islamic faith, with a now-viral video recorded at the event showing Muslim children stomping on the “pride flag” with the full support of their mother.

The video shows no less than six kids stomping on a string of small “pride flags,” with one mother being heard saying, “yes, yes, yes good, good.”  

During the protest, no less than five people were arrested, including at least one pro-LGBT counter-protester who punched an old man in the face, according to video footage.

The push for the normalcy of the LGBT agenda has been observed in Canadian schools for years, but has in recent months, been met with intense pushback.

At the start of the month, thousands of students across Canada stayed home on June 1 in direct protest of “Pride Month” being promoted in public schools.  

The first annual “National ‘Pride’ Flag Walk-Out Day” was initiated by the pro-life and pro-family organization Campaign Life Coalition (CLC).  

Last week, LifeSiteNews reported about a leaked audio recording that exposed a Canadian teacher who lambasted her Muslim students for skipping so-called “pride events.” In the recording, the teacher also suggested that opposing gay “pride” events excludes one from being considered “Canadian.”  

Two weeks ago, a Canadian elementary school bearing the name of a Catholic saint drew backlash after it hosted what some described as a “disgusting” and wild “pride” celebration featuring a drag queen, a giant rainbow tunnel, and “pride” flags galore.  

In May, after a rowdy board meeting earlier in the year, school trustees from York Catholic District School Board voted 6-4 against flying the “pride flag” at its Catholic Education Centre during June.  

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