
The White House Ushered in the Age of Apostasy to America

God never abandoned Israel while her people were choosing to worship the Baal’s and the Ashtoreth’s instead of He who brought them out of Egypt.

The Lord sent prophet after prophet to warn them of their sin and to repent of the path they had chosen, instead of staying true to His will and commandments.

America is walking an identical path of ancient Israel, without the covering of being God’s chosen people.

While the United States was founded upon the Judeo-Christian values found in the Bible, she has since been led astray from those beliefs and commandments, and at no time was that as evident as this past weekend.

On Saturday, June 10, 2023, the Biden administration held a “Pride” event in honor of the LGBTQ community and the radical gender ideologies that have swept across the nation.

Front and center of the event was the “Pride” flag, hanging on display from the White House itself. Flanked on either side of the standard was the U.S. flag.

While this action in and of itself is an actual violation of the flag code on the week of Flag Day 2023 (June 14th), and which many across the nation have decried because the U.S. flag does not get placed in a subservient position to any flag, it also ushered in a spiritual welcoming to the demonic forces plaguing American society today.

Actions have consequences, and as the leadership of the United States, the Biden administration has given place to the spiritual entities and principalities that led Israel down the road to ruin.

These spirits now have a spiritual right to the heart of America. They were invited in, and have taken up residence within the halls of the U.S. government.

This is not hyperbole or dramatization, but a real-life scenario that is taking place which the Bible warns about often. Things have become so bad in American society that non-Christians are seeing and calling out the evil taking place within the country’s borders.

Children are being mutilated in the name of compassion; God is being removed from every corner of the public square to usher in a secular state where government is the new god; and rebellion against God’s design and will for humanity is running rampant.

Do Christians not expect God’s judgement to eventually fall upon this nation?

Enormous blessings were heaped upon America for being a beacon of freedom and godly principles over the course of her existence. These blessings led to the U.S. eventually becoming the most powerful nation the world has ever seen. But when much is given by the Lord, much is also expected.

Paul lived an exemplary life as someone who found salvation in Jesus Christ after living in sin and repenting. Much was expected of Paul, and while he was by no means perfect, he never stopped seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Likewise, Christians in America are not to simply roll over and allow Satan to take over the country. They must engage in spiritual warfare against the true enemies of God: the principalities, powers and rulers of darkness (Eph. 6:12).

The people living under the LGBTQ lifestyle are not the enemy. They are who Jesus wants the truth of His sacrifice and Resurrection to be told to. He died for them, just as He died for every human in existence to have the opportunity to repent of their sin and realize their one, true identity in Him.

This submission to demonic spirits by the U.S. government must be a call to action for Christians in America. Believes across the land must take up the call within the Word of God and be empowered by the same Holy Spirit who fell upon the believers of the early church and who went on to fundamentally alter the course of human history.

If not, the governments of the world will only become more corrupt and hostile toward the Word of God, and His faithful.

There will come a day of choosing for humanity, either God or the world. As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:21, “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons.” A side must be chosen.

Choosing to submit to the Lord and His ways is the only way toward everlasting life. In doing so, make sure to take up the full armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18) because as Americans are witnessing on a daily basis across their country, the enemy is going to throw everything he has to get Christians to back down and become a non-threat in the spiritual battle for the heart and soul of their country.

James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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