
Trudeau called 2021 election after memos showed more Conservative opposition to COVID jabs than Liberals – LifeSite

OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – Recently released secret records show that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the 2021 federal election only two days after a report from his own office revealed that Liberal and NDP voters were more likely to get the COVID shots than those who voted Conservative. 

Two memos from August 2021 documenting Canadian COVID jab trends commissioned from Trudeau’s own Privy Council Office, as per Blacklock’s Reporter, were recently made public via an Access to Information request.  

The first memo is dated August 13, 2021, and is called Emerging Evidence on Covid-19. This memo showed both Liberal and NDP voters were more favorable to the COVID shots overall than their Conservative counterparts. 

“Partisanship was associated with intention to vaccinate,” read the memo, adding, “Those who voted liberal/democrat expressed intention to vaccinate at higher rates than those who voted for other parties.” 

Trudeau called a federal election on August 15, 2021, and later campaigned on COVID mandates, lockdowns, and jabs, calling those opposed such dictates “racists.”  

The Canadian federal government and all provincial governments spent millions promoting the COVID shots despite the fact they were novel and approved for “emergency” use only. 

Trudeau went as far as to scorn unvaccinated Canadians, saying those opposing his measures, such as banning the jab-free from flying, were of a “small, fringe minority” who hold “unacceptable views” and do not “represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other.” 

The August 13 memo stated that “those who voted Liberal or NDP in the 2019 election were most likely to indicate the intention to vaccinate compared to those who voted for other parties.” 

It also read that both Alberta and Saskatchewan have the highest percentage of the “population who do not intend to vaccinate.” The Liberals at the time held no seats in Alberta or Saskatchewan.  

In his election call, Trudeau had quipped, “We’ve seen where Conservative backbenchers have referred to some of this government’s decisions as tyrannical in terms of how we’re creating mandates for vaccination of public servants or vaccination for people on trains or airplanes.” 

“Well, the answer to tyranny is to have an election,” he said.  

It should be noted that, according to another secret memo recently released, Trudeau’s office, months before calling the 2021 election, knew the COVID shots caused serious injuries. To combat the negative side effects of the vaccines, the government said “winning communication strategies” must be developed to convince the public to take the jabs. 

According to a recent Public Health Agency of Canada report, less than 22 percent of Canadians said they were trustworthy of federal agencies, in light of the aftermath of the COVID crisis.  

Overall, COVID left most Canadians with “increased distrust of government and science.”  

Second memo shows western Canadians least favorable to the jabs 

According to the second secret memo, titled Closing the Gap for Vaccine Hesitancy During the Last Mile of Vaccine Rollout and dated August 19, 2021, “There are pockets across the country of low vaccine uptake including northern parts of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan, rural southern Ontario and southern Manitoba.” 

The memo read that the reasons for this low uptake are “multifactorial and complex and include access issues, prevailing political ideologies, regional industry, demographics and more.” 

During the COVID so-called pandemic, Trudeau essentially referred to those who chose not to get the experimental COVID shots as intolerable people.   

In 2021, Trudeau during his campaign said Canadians “vehemently opposed to vaccination” do “not believe in science,” are “often misogynists, often racists,” and even questioned whether Canada should continue to “tolerate these people.”  

Last November, Trudeau denied calling “unvaccinated” Canadians names, despite video footage of the 2021 remarks.  

In April of this year, Trudeau was slammed on social media after he tried to claim that he did not “force” anyone to take the COVID-19 shots, despite his government firing unvaccinated federal workers from their jobs and even barring unjabbed citizens from domestic plane and train travel.  

As for the Liberals, they won the 2021 election with a minority government, and with a lower vote count than in the 2019 election. 

While Trudeau seems adamant that he did not “force” Canadians to take the COVID injections, the fact remains that in 2021 at least 2,560 federal employees were suspended for not taking the shots. 

In some federal agencies, such as the Bank of Canada, employees were suspended even if they worked from home. 

Moreover, as reported last month by LifeSiteNews, recent statistics from Canada show that over 98 percent of adults in the country had natural immunity against COVID in 2022.  

This, in combination with the fact that evidence continues to suggest that natural immunity has an an advantage over vaccine-induced protection, and that the more shots one gets, the more likely one is to contract COVID, has continued to have people question why the government was so adamant in its promotion of the novel injections. 

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