
Josh Alexander to make special guest appearance at LifeSite’s Canadian gala in July!  – LifeSite

Tickets to the Canadian gala can be purchased HERE. 

(LifeSiteNews) – Readers of LifeSite will know Josh Alexander as the young Canadian student who defended girls from having to share school bathrooms with boys, but they might not know he will be a guest speaker at the upcoming LifeSite gala in July. 

At LifeSite’s Canadian edition of our 25th anniversary gala on July 18, Alexander will be joined by LifeSiteNews co-founders Steve Jalsevac and John-Henry Westen, and special guests such as Jim Hughes of Campaign Life Coalition and LifeSite’s Jim Hale. 

Last year, then-16-year-old Josh, became famous for refusing to cave to LGBT ideology in his school and for speaking out against male students entering female bathrooms. 

As a Christian, Josh maintains that God made human beings male and female, but this view was not supported by his local Catholic school in the Renfrew District Catholic School Board.    

However, Josh refused to back down from his beliefs and was indefinitely suspended from St. Joseph’s Catholic school, rendering him unable to graduate. 

Despite being arrested for protesting multiple times, Josh continues the fight, travelling across Canada to defend the truth and holding protests against the LGBT agenda.  

Josh has told LifeSiteNews that he will “continue to adhere to his religious beliefs regarding Biblical sexuality and gender” regardless of being arrested or unable to attend school. 

LifeSite’s Dorothy Cummings McLean was a teenage pro-life activist in Ontario many years ago. She said she is really looking forward to meeting the latest generation of young pro-lifers at the Gala, especially Alexander.

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Stand with Josh Alexander against school that allows boys to use girls’ bathrooms
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Josh Alexander is facing expulsion for defying the LGBT agenda at St. Joseph’s High School! Finish his brave mission now! 

St. Joseph’s High School has suspended Josh Alexander — and is now considering his expulsion — for daring to challenge the LGBT “transgender” agenda. 

Josh Alexander refused to sit idly by while deluded young men gained access to the women’s restroom — all by pretending to be women.  

Young women should not be manipulated in this way, and deserve safe bathrooms without young men in them! 

Taking action into his own hands, Josh led a school-wide WALKOUT in open defiance of St. Joseph’s transgender policy — demanding that St. Joseph’s High School STOP this immorality. 

This is when the school took action against Josh Alexander and suspended him! 


This attack on truth and blatant rejection of the Catholicism — from a Catholic school — cannot be tolerated. 

People of faith, good will, and common sense must stand up and say — ENOUGH. 

Do not remain silent – your voice is powerful, so make your voice heard!  

SIGN NOW: St. Joseph’s Catholic High School must AFFIRM the biological reality that there are only two genders – male and female. 

SIGNING and SHARING this petition will spread the news of Josh Alexander’s inspiring school-wide movement. Help him now before it’s too late! 

Josh Alexander may be expelled for fighting against these attacks by himself. 


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“I remember how uncomfortable it could be taking a stand in high school 30 years ago,” she said. “Even at a Catholic school where taking part in street activism was seen as a little extreme. This was, of course, long before transgenderism, that is, the current attempt to make people ignore and deny biological facts. I’m really looking forward to meeting Josh and finding out what works for his generation of pro-life, pro-biology witnesses.”

McLean noted that three generations of Canadian pro-life warriors will be present at the Gala. “It’s so important that pro-lifers from different age groups pool their knowledge,” she said. “The old ones have learned a thing or two to pass down to the young ones, and the young ones have a good sense of what kind of witness resonates with people their own age.”

Josh’s bravery has sparked an uprising against LGBT agenda in schools, as students across Canada challenge LGBT ideology, with some participating in school walkouts while others tore down “pride” flags from their schools. 

Josh is among the many pro-life and pro-family heroes whom Canadians will have the chance to meet at LifeSite’s Canadian edition of our 25th anniversary gala, on July 18, 2023 in Markham, Ontario. 

The event will take place at the Hilton Toronto/Markham Suites and Conference Centre. Tickets for the gala – where after enjoying a reception and plated dinner, attendees will be part of LifeSite’s live studio audience – can be purchased here. 

Tickets to the Canadian gala can be purchased HERE. 

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