
Republicans, Weekly Churchgoers Outliers in Same-Sex Marriage Views

Most U.S. adults support the legalization of same-sex marriage, according to a Gallup report published June 5.

Nearly three in four (71%) respondents believe “marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriage.” This is the same percentage as in 2022 and represents an all-time high in polling history – up 44 points from support in 1996.

Republicans (49%) and weekly churchgoers (41%) are the only two groups without majority support for legal, same-sex marriage in the U.S. By comparison, 78% of Independents, 84% of Democrats, 67% of nearly weekly / monthly churchgoers and 83% of infrequent churchgoers support legalized, same-sex marriage.

Respondents aged 18-29 (89%) are most likely to support legal, same-sex marriage in the U.S., followed by those aged 30-49 (78%), those aged 65 and older (60%) and those aged 50-64 (59%).

Ideologically liberal respondents (92%) are most likely to support legal, same-sex marriage, followed by moderates (78%) and conservatives (51%), while college graduates (78%) are more likely than respondents with some college (69%) and high school graduates (66%) to express support.

Support is highest among respondents in the West (77%), followed by those in the Midwest (73%), in the East (72%) and in the South (64%).

“Among many groups – including older adults, Protestants and residents of the South – perspectives on gay marriage have gone from majority opposition to majority support over the course of Gallup’s trend spanning more than a quarter of a century,” the report said. “But two groups remain holdouts on the issue, with Republicans evenly divided on the legality of same-sex unions and weekly churchgoers maintaining their position against it.”

The full report is available

Managing editor for news and opinion at Good Faith Media.

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