
Leave a Lasting Legacy: 15 Tips for Fathers – Intercessors for America

Some days ago, we had the privilege of hosting a young man of God who lived with us for a couple years while he attended college. As we sat down for a delicious salmon dinner, I peppered him with questions going down memory lane.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.

“Eric, what are some of the things you remember most during those years with us — the good, bad, and the ugly?”

What he said surprised me and really blessed me out of my socks!

“You were authentic,” he replied. “The man I saw during those years in your home was the same person I saw behind the pulpit in our church.”

Thanking God and my brother, the reason that meant so much to me is that the only time in 50 years of ministry I discerned the probable voice of God was early on, when He said to me: “Let it never be said that you presented the world a caricature of Christ.”

If you’re a genuine Christian, then I believe you identify with this desire. You want to honor God and His word in every area of your life. You want to leave a lasting legacy, especially as a husband and father.

Recently, I saw a documentary about retired actor Michael J. Fox, who now battles Parkinson’s disease. Once he sat at the pinnacle of worldly fame and fortune. The end of the film shows him walking along the beach with his wife and family — a picture of what really matters most to him now.

So how can one be a real dad in a really messed up world? Granted, the challenge is enormous, but here are 15 essentials for our success in the high calling to fatherhood today.

Crisis of American Manhood

Today families are in crisis. Fatherlessness is epidemic. Along with it is a parallel problem: a crisis of American manhood.

On college campuses, we even have classes with such titles as “Rethink Masculinity,” pushed by leftists and feminists to eradicate what they falsely call “toxic masculinity.” Proponents don’t present any positive alternative of manly virtue focusing on faith, family, and female protection and love, but rather, they neuter men until real masculinity is airbrushed away!  Gullible guys become men without chests.

As Chuck Swindoll has written: “Masculinity is vanishing. Throughout the land, fathers have lost their way to true manhood and have thrown responsibility to the wind. Sex roles are blurring, masculine leadership is disappearing, and, like dominoes, homes and marriages are collapsing.”

Dr. James Dobson says: “The Western world stands at a great crossroads in its history. It is my opinion that our very survival as a people will depend on the presence or absence of masculine leadership in millions of homes.”

Amid today’s cultural counterfeits regarding manhood — macho man, marshmallow man, and mixed-up man — God wants real men of steel and velvet. Our model is Jesus!

“We have a weak nation because we have weak churches. We have weak churches because we have weak families. We have weak families because we have weak men never challenged with the true biblical standard.” — Bill Gothard, American minister

Let’s consecrate ourselves to model God’s ideal of authentic Christian manhood this Father’s Day. Then, let’s learn in humility from those who’ve gone before us on the pathways of good fruit.

Fifteen Suggestions for Success

Success in marriage and family does not come from good intentions, but from deliberate decisions based on the word of God. Contrary to contemporary cultural foolishness, God calls us to adhere to Scripture: “… For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8). After 47 years of marriage, four adult children, and seven grandchildren, I offer you these time-tested principles for your path to prosperity.

  1. Commit to the practice of prayer for your children daily.
  2. Remain in a posture of faith no matter what comes your way.
  3. Endeavor to be led by the Spirit in line with the word of God.
  4. Obey God’s word in everything, being quick to repent for laziness, compromise, or disobedience.
  5. Focus more on building character than on bringing in creature comforts.
  6. Reinforce New Testament Christianity through meaningful church involvement, service, and support.
  7. Be vigilant in monitoring all areas of media and relational influence affecting your children (association brings assimilation).
  8. Celebrate family Scripture study, but keep it meaningful, relevant, and short!
  9. Communicate love and encouragement consistently, knowing that rules without relationship can foster rebellion.
  10. Schedule regular family fun times to make memories and to keep everyone’s emotional tanks full!
  11. Honor Christian education that reinforces values taught at home.
  12. Be intentional with consistent family meal times to enhance communication and stay current.
  13. Plan individual “date times” and mission trips for your children.
  14. Cultivate a culture of honor toward spouses, grandparents, widows and orphans, and church and civic leaders.
  15. Celebrate with creativity life’s seasons, passages, and family traditions.

Here’s the deal: Even as we witness the decline of the nuclear family in society, God is raising up beautiful examples of what life can be like in the kingdom of God under the benevolent reign of good King Jesus! Fathers and mothers are a team, but we dads should lead the way to excellence so that we leave a lasting legacy for the glory of God!

Happy Father’s Day!

Were you encouraged by this article? If so, share it with a father in your life to encourage him!

Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 years, an IFA board member, a bestselling author, and a public-policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see Hear his weekly podcast here. Photo Credit: Canva.

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