
The Discontentment of Pride

About two or three generations back, we abandoned God in exchange for free love, easy divorce, abortion, and sodomy.  We were discontent with God.  Back then they thought the sin could be contained, while still maintaining a semblance of external prosperity and wholesomeness. 

The homosexual movement cannot be satisfied.  A short few years ago, they just wanted the right to be “married”.  So, overhauling millennia of tradition, the government tried to reinvent marriage for them. Just for them.  They overthrew a cornerstone of civilization.  And that wasn’t enough.  It was once “GLB.”  Then “LGB.”  Then “LGBT.”  “LGBTQ.”  I think we’re now at “2SLGBTQIA+.”  The “+” makes room for more letters, and one day I’m sure they’ll add a “P,” or at least “MAP,” for the pedophiles, who are called “minor attracted persons.”  “2SLGBTQIAMAP+” it will be.  The flag was once a six-coloured rainbow.  Then they added a triangle on the side, and now a circle in the triangle for something else.  What started as an annual parade and then gay weddings is now a few mouth-fulls of letters and an ever-changing flag, with drag shows for kids to boot.  Why are they never satisfied?

The nature of sexual sin is that it cannot be satisfied.  It’s impossible.  For example, in Ephesians 5 Paul says “But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you” (Ephesians 5:3).  Sexual immorality is a catch-all phrase that translates the Greek word πορνεία.  Its definition is broad enough to include all the letters of the sodomite-acronym, even all the rubric that falls under the “+”.  So vile is such behaviour that Paul says it ought not even be named, never mind acted out or even celebrated.  It’s forbidden.  But he doesn’t leave it there.  He tells us to replace πορνεία with something else: “instead let there be thanksgiving” (Ephesians 5:4).  Thanksgiving and πορνεία cannot coexist.  Thankfulness is the cure for sexual immorality.

At its heart, sexual immorality is thanklessness.  It is to be dissatisfied with God.  God says that sex is reserved for a man and his wife. So, the sexually immoral crosses his arms, stomps his foot, and says “I want more than that!”  Discontent with God’s plan, he steps outside God’s Law.  He views porn, or commits adultery, or fornicates, or identifies with one of the many letters in the sodomite acronym.  One of the letters is never enough.  Five letters are not enough.  You need more and more and more, and eventually you need to add a “+” because there are more sexual identities yet to be discovered.  Why?  Because sexual sin cannot be satisfied.  It is a bottomless pit of thanklessness.

Our cultural moment serves as an example of one of God’s most dreadful judgements – the judgment of getting what you want.

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