
Prayer at Mar-a-Lago – Intercessors for America

Here is a testimony of how God orchestrated intercession at the gates of Mar-a-Lago on the evening of Donald Trump’s indictment.

Last week, I was in Palm Beach, Florida, attending a conference that had been planned at least a year ago. Our location was just three miles from Mar-a-Lago. At the conference, IFA President and CEO David Kubal delivered an inspiring message about the power of prayer.

Have you taken your place on the wall? 

Kubal recounted how prayer had been instrumental in the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989, amid the fall of communism in East Germany. A group of Lutheran pastors in communist East Germany had decided to pray fervently that the Berlin Wall would be brought down. They prayed consistently and specifically. Most dramatically, a candlelit prayer march stayed peaceful even after East German soldiers were sent to confront the marchers — and the soldiers ended up actually joining the intercessors. You can read about that miraculous story here: Prayer-Walking Miracle in October. The end of that communist regime came five years to the day in which those pastors began praying.

After hearing this powerful message about God’s faithfulness in answering prayers, my friends and I knew exactly what we needed to do right here in Florida: We decided we would light candles and pray for President Trump and for our country at Mar-a-Lago the following evening, which happened to be the day of Trump’s indictment.

We booked a large Chevy Suburban with a driver to take the six of us — who were so on fire to follow what God had just put on our hearts — to Mar-a-Lago.

We pulled up to the main gate. We put our hands on the gate to begin praying, but security officers approached us amid bright flashing lights. With more cars pulling up behind them, the security guards commanded us to leave the property immediately. We obeyed, returned to the Suburban and began driving away — though we were not going to stop praying. We declared peace over Trump and asked for justice in our country. As soon as our driver heard us praying, he asked if we wanted him to take us to a different spot, where we would be able to stand and pray. We agreed immediately, seeing this as an answer to prayer, because we were surely not about to give up.

The driver turned the Suburban around and drove into a small driveway that was blocked by a gate. As soon as we pulled close to that gate, it began to open automatically. We knew this was a sign from God, telling us that He is opening spiritual gates as a reward for our faithfulness and for not giving up on our efforts. The theme of the conference that brought us to Palm Beach was about “gatekeepers” — which means in biblical terms that if you possess the gates, the land belongs to you!  God loves details!

The driver took us to the bridge overlooking Mar-a-Lago. We lit our candles and started praying. Besides the restoration of this country and the granting of peace to Trump, we prayed that the forces of darkness would flee and that justice would be brought to all.

There was much more as well.

When we were done and returned to our hotel, we asked the driver if he needed any prayers. He shared with us that he has been separated from his wife for a year and that he therefore desired our prayers for their reconciliation. We did pray for that! What a powerful night, and with so much ministry.

Later, we heard that following the indictment, Trump was troubled in his spirit and seemed discouraged. The next morning, I sat with a friend who is a powerful intercessory prayer warrior. She disclosed that she’d had a dream about Trump in which his face was peaceful. I was encouraged that our prayers had been answered.

It was so empowering to be able to thus see God in every detail of our prayer adventure. We had simply said yes and were obedient to His calling, and He answered us in such powerful ways!

Has God led you to pray in surprising and miraculous ways? Share below to encourage other intercessors!

(Photo Credit: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

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