
LGBT activists pressure AMC Theatres into pulling ‘detransitioner’ film ‘No Way Back’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — LGBT activists successfully bullied AMC Theatres into pulling a documentary about gender-confused individuals who have “detransitioned,” which means they no longer present themselves as the opposite sex. The movie comes from liberals who said it is “pro-gay.”

The film, titled “No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care,” “was set for initial release on June 21 in dozens of theaters across the country,” The Daily Wire reported.

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“The Queer Trans Project posted a campaign on Instagram to have the film canceled and encouraged followers to reach out to AMC to have the film pulled,” the Post Millennial reported.

It reported that the sample letter read:

I am writing to express my deep concern and strong opposition to the decision to screen No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care, an anti-trans film that perpetuates harmful misinformation. It is disheartening to see a respected institution like AMC Theaters provide a platform for content that further stigmatizes and marginalizes the transgender community. Regardless of the timing, this film’s screening goes against the values of inclusivity and respect that should be upheld by a company committed to providing diverse and meaningful entertainment. I implore you to reconsider this decision immediately and demonstrate your commitment to supporting a more inclusive and accepting society. Please remove the film from your lineup and help ensure that AMC Theaters remains a safe and inclusive space for all moviegoers.

The producers are not conservative – they refer to themselves as “liberals” and otherwise support the LGBT agenda.

“Intolerant, illiberal, histrionic IGNORANT loudmouths who have not even seen the film have pressured AMC theaters to make the hard decision to cancel our dates! DO NOT LET THEM WIN!,” the creators wrote on their website. Interested viewers can sign up for streaming or to get a DVD copy when available.

Deplorable Films, which is supporting the movie’s production and distribution, wrote in a statement:

In response to recent histrionic and intolerant calls for screenings of this important film to be canceled, we will simply respond to the careless assertions made by those behind it.

They call the film ‘right-wing’; this is absurd to the point of being libelous. The filmmakers (some of whom are gay and/or have gay children) are dedicated, life-long, Liberal Democrats. We request any of the detractors to offer actual evidence of them – or this film – being ‘right wing.’

The film is not anti-trans people, nor is it even anti sex-change surgery; there are trans people in the film speaking against the sudden rush to powerful drugs and major surgeries that have increased exponentially in the past decade, and which have statistically caused far more pain and suffering than they’ve prevented.

READ: US takes more extreme position on transgender issues under Biden than many Western nations

“The film is very pro-gay. It also makes the point very clearly, that some of the worst harm that ‘gender-affirming care’ is causing is to kids who would otherwise grow up to be happy, well-adjusted gay men and women,” Deplorable Films stated.

The public debate surrounding the LGBT agenda and its spread throughout the culture has resulted in significant pushback in recent months, particularly surrounding transgenderism and the push for children to be subjected to mutilating surgeries and cross-sex hormones erroneously intended to change their sex.

Indeed, many state governors have taken to legislating in favor of parental oversight in education, specifically to safeguard children against exposure to often sexually explicit materials from school districts pushing the transgender ideology.

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