
Most Americans Think the U.S. System of Government Is Broken: Poll – American Faith

Concerns over the state of fundamental freedoms in the United States are on the rise, reveals a new poll from Monmouth University.

The survey paints a worrying picture with only a minority of Americans expressing confidence in the solidity of their government structure and its systems.

The study reveals that a mere 42% of respondents believe in the basic soundness of our current governmental system, indicating a drop from the 50% who had the same belief in September.

To put this into historical perspective, the confidence levels were slightly higher in a period between 2017 and 2020, when they fluctuated between 50% and 55%.

Rewinding further to 1980, an Opinion Research poll showed that an even higher 62% of the population had confidence in the system.

However, the drop to today’s 42% isn’t a sudden one, but rather seems to echo sentiments between January 2021 and August 2022 when the confidence index wavered between 36% and 44%.

As for those with the opposite sentiment, who believe that the system is fundamentally flawed and in need of significant overhauling, the poll puts them at 29%.

Breaking this down further, it is more prevalent among Republicans, with 38% expressing this sentiment, compared to the 28% of independents and 21% of Democrats who share the same view.

Regardless of party affiliation, the survey uncovers an unsettling trend of dwindling faith in our nation’s governing systems.

Americans’ trust in the soundness of their government and the judgement of their fellow citizens is a cause for concern that should not be overlooked.

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