
Pro-life student sues school district for not intervening while she was attacked at pro-abortion rally – LifeSite

HUNTERDON COUNTY, New Jersey (LifeSiteNews) — A Catholic pro-life high school student has sued her New Jersey school district after she was assaulted while holding a pro-life sign at a pro-abortion protest. 

Seventeen year-old Nichole Pagano filed a lawsuit late last month against the Hunterdon Central’s Board of Education and District in New Jersey, for allegedly failing to protect her when she was attacked while holding a pro-life sign at a pro-abortion protest in 2022, according to New Jersey 101.5.  

According to the lawsuit, Pagano was attacked at the “school-sanctioned riot” as teachers stood by “but did nothing to intervene.” The suit further attests that the school encouraged students to attend the protest and allowed them to make signs for it during class time.  

The lawsuit seeks compensation for negligent supervision, assault, battery, and defamation.  

In 2022, Nichole was attacked as she and her sister, Vanessa, approached the crowd of about 200 students while carrying a sign reading, “Equal Rights For Babies in the Womb.” 

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Tell Donald Trump he MUST support abortion-ban legislation
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Donald Trump has suggested a 6-week abortion ban is ”too harsh”, attacking Gov. Ron DeSantis for his bill protecting innocent human life after 6 weeks.

Obviously pro-lifers wish to protect all human life from conception with outright abortion bans. 

SIGN: Donald Trump MUST support pro-life legislation

The former president said he is ”looking at all alternatives” when asked if he would support such a 6-week ban, making this a crucial opportunity for pro-life voters to make their views known to him in no uncertain terms. 

“He has to do what he has to do,” Trump said about Gov. DeSantis’ abortion bill. “If you look at what DeSantis did, a lot of people don’t even know if he knew what he was doing. But he signed six weeks, and many people within the pro-life movement feel that that was too harsh.”

Anyone truly in the pro-life movement thinking the ban is too harsh must mean it’s too harsh on those babies less than 6-weeks who can still be murdered.

Mr. Trump’s outlandish claim about anyone in the pro-life movement opposing the ban is doubtful to say the least, but there was more to follow in the interview.

When pressed on whether he thought the bill was ”too harsh”, Trump would not answer directly, instead saying: ”I’m looking at all alternatives. I’m looking at many alternatives. But I was able to get us to the table by terminating Roe v. Wade. That’s the most important thing that’s ever happened for the pro-life movement.”

The former president is correct in saying the overturning of Roe v. Wade was a monumental step for the pro-life movement, but it should only be the beginning of banning the killing of babies in the womb entirely.

Donald Trump’s belief that even a 6-week abortion ban is extreme spells trouble for every citizen concerned about ending abortion, which is why we need you to take part in this urgent petition to him.

SIGN & SHARE: We must change Donald Trump‘s mind on abortion

Our true loyalty is to innocent human beings facing death, none more so than those in the womb, and any candidate who prevaricates about something so important to building a civilized society has to be corrected.

We urge all Republican candidates to advocate for a total ban on abortion, without any exceptions – not just at 6-week’s gestation as an incremental measure.

SIGN & SHARE our petition urging Donald Trump to do the right thing. 


Trump distances himself from 6-week abortion ban by DeSantis: ‘Too harsh’ – LifeSiteNews

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Nichole recounted that, “There’s like 200 kids there and then all of a sudden they come surrounding us — mostly trying to come at me and attack me because I had the sign and then they came at me all up in my face, verbally screaming at me, and physically even grabbed me and ripped me down.”

According to Nichole, both school principal Edward Brandt and School superintendent Jeffrey Moore publicly apologized to her at the time.  

“It didn’t seem like too big of an apology, though,” Nichole said, referring to Brandt’s apology. “It kind of seemed like a quick, short, little apology. It didn’t seem very long and even seem that concerning.  

At the meeting, New Jersey state assemblyman Erik Peterson harshly criticized the school’s response to the situation, saying Nichole “is the victim, not the ‘counter-protester.’ She was assaulted. It’s on video.”  

“The problem, from my perspective, is the leadership,” he added. “These kids didn’t learn this on their own, they learned it here. And it starts with this board and the superintendent.”  

Nichole revealed that after the public apology, she “didn’t hear anything from anyone.” Likewise, she said, and her father confirmed, that the school failed to contact her parents. 

Abortion-related violence against pro-lifers has skyrocketed since the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade last year.  

In late May, two pro-lifers in Baltimore, Maryland were viciously attacked outside an abortion facility on Friday, leaving one man in hospital with a fractured bone in his face, according to local activists. 

On May 2, Shellyne Rodriguez, an adjunct assistant professor at Hunter College in New York City, was caught on video harassing two pro-life students before vandalizing their pro-life table.  

A few weeks later, Rodriguez was fired after she was caught on video holding a machete to New York Post reporter Reuven Fenton’s neck. 

In April, pro-lifers from the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform were showing abortion victim photography at the University of Arizona when pro-abortion students hurled eggs at them.  

In March, LifeSiteNews reported that two activists faced felony charges after being accused of robbing a pro-lifer and resisting arrest by attacking a police officer during a pro-life event at the University of Florida.  

Similarly, during a recent speech by Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Antifa members with messages of “Black Lives Matter” and “Transgender Power” broke out in violent protest. Two arrests have been made in connection with the attack.  

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