
Dr. Mark Trozzi’s tribunal with Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism resumes this week – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – Dr. Mark Trozzi’s trial with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) over his outspokenness against COVID jabs and mandates will resume tomorrow and he has asked supporters to tune into the hearings, which will include two prominent doctors speaking in his defense.

“I face charges for warning you and sharing science and thoughts that oppose the last three years of fraud and crimes against humanity committed in the names of ‘covid and our health,’” Trozzi said about his trial in a recent email update to his followers.

“You may recall in the recent last days of the hearing the CPSO spent two entire days verbally abusing our expert witness Deanna McLeod and ran up a $20,000 bill before one of the panelists quit, and the remaining panel disqualified her, even though she is one of the most credible clinical trial analysts in our country. They sure do not want to have an open scientific discussion.”

Trozzi’s trial is set to resume July 11 and run until July 12. His trial will have two-star witnesses to testify in his favor, Dr. Paul Alexander and Dr. Peter McCullough, who he said will deliver to the tribunal information concerning “true science about COVID in spades.”

Regarding the resumption of his upcoming trial, Trozzi noted that he and his team will “try once again to get through the CPSO stone wall against honest science.”

Dr. Alexander is scheduled to testify at 9 a.m. ET, noted Trozzi, to “face the abusive CPSO legal team.”

On Wednesday, Dr. McCullough is scheduled to testify at 1 p.m. ET.

“He will face the same anti-science, anti-free-speech CPSO legal team,” noted Trozzi.

“We hope the CPSO will fail to completely muzzle Dr. Alexander and Dr. McCullough, so that these world class experts may enlighten the panel on many truths about COVID-19, the mandates, and the injections.”

To request a link to view his tribunal hearing, email [email protected] and instructions will follow. However, Trozzi noted that during the last hearings hundreds of people were prevented from tuning in due to failed links.

Trozzi has posted a video online that he said shows a “solution to some of the failed links and more info,” which can be found here.

Michael Alexander, Trozzi’s lawyer, recently said that he remains confident that despite having a “biased” adjudicator, he will be able to “prove” that the CPSO has been proceeding against his client “without having the law or COVID-19 science on its side.”

The final legal arguments will be taking place on July 17-18. After that, a judgment will be rendered.

Trozzi’s seven-day tribunal hearing is part of the CPSO’s efforts to “try and take away” his medical license, he argued, because he took a stand against the COVID narrative and “the global agenda being carried out [by] the WHO, a conduit of criminal control that’s rolled out through govt’s regulatory bodies and has committed … medical atrocities.”

Shortly after the start of the COVID-19 so-called pandemic, Trozzi became a vocal critic of the mainstream narrative surrounding the virus. He was suspended for giving out COVID jab exemptions by the CPSO shortly after mandates took effect.

In response to the suspension, Trozzi at that time defended his conduct by citing his duty to the “Hippocratic Oath,” and added that while he had been sanctioned, he “remained an intact, intelligent human being with a heart, and no matter how much money I could have made to kill off the citizens of Ontario, I wouldn’t do it.”

At the end of 2020, Trozzi walked away from his highly successful career, sold his family home, and committed himself completely to alerting the public to the falsehoods concerning COVID.

CPSO has initiated legal action against five Canadian doctors critical of COVID jabs and mandates

The CPSO has so far initiated legal action against Trozzi and five other heroic doctors who are committed to their Hippocratic Oath responsibilities related to COVID: Mary O’Connor, Rochangé Kilian, Celeste Jean Thirlwell, Patrick Phillips, and Crystal Luchkiw.

Last year, the CPSO also mandated that Trozzi and Phillips, and Luchkiw appear in front of a tribunal to address their outspokenness against COVID jabs and mandates.

Seemingly undeterred by the CPSO’s sanctions, Trozzi has said his research showed that there was a vastly higher number of people who died “within a few months” of having taken the experimental COVID shot than compared to other vaccines.

He also showed concern for the alarming rate of miscarriages that took place during Pfizer’s COVID vaccine trials, saying the novel injections make “thalidomide look like a Flintstone vitamin.”

Trozzi, along with other pro-medical freedom doctors, will be in attendance at LifeSiteNews’ 25th Anniversary Canadian Gala on July 18, in Markham, Ontario.

Tickets for the July 18 Canadian gala can be purchased HERE.

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