
Dutch farmers’ party prepares for power as gov’t of WEF favorite Mark Rutte collapses – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — After 18 months in power, the coalition government of the Netherlands, led by World Economic Forum (WEF) favorite Mark Rutte, has collapsed.

With agreement impossible to reach between the four ruling parties over the vexed question of immigration policy, the country faces calls for new elections.

Whilst this development appears to favor the anti-immigration Party for Freedom (PVV), led by Geert Wilders, another party is likely to make a major impact.

‘The campaign has begun!’

Following a shock victory in the Dutch regional elections earlier this year, which made it the largest party in the Dutch Senate, the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB) is still riding high in the polls. 

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Tell G20 to drop radical climate policies causing inflation and blackouts
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The G20 comprises the most powerful nations in the world – the U.S., Canada, the U.K., the E.U., Australia, India, China, Russia and Brazil among others – and they are discussing climate policies that are already affecting billions of people around the world. 

Most of these countries want the world to run on solar and wind power, forcing an end to the use of gas, oil and nuclear power, as well as crushing beef farmers because of supposed methane emissions.

But the harsh impact of such policies is already being felt, with energy blackouts and soaring inflation hammering people around the world, making it beyond time for all of us to speak out. 

SIGN: Tell G20 leaders that their radical climate policies are making basic foods, fuel, heating and electricity increasingly unaffordable for normal citizens.

As western leaders turn off the oil spigots and impose draconian restrictions on farmers, we’ve all experienced the pain of increased prices, not least at the pump and the grocery store.

This inflation was entirely avoidable if only our politicians prioritized food and energy security over climate theories, but instead they have succumbed to radical environmentalists whose agenda would cripple the livelihoods and living standards of much of the globe.

Communities all around you are feeling the weight of crushing price hikes, which will soon reach your own food isles and gas pumps if it hasn’t already.

The effects of inflation are being felt in the developing world most, as fuel and food prices sky rocket, making even worse poverty an inevitabilty for hundreds of millions of people.

Reality hits home.

The harshest effects of energy shortages were felt by many in the west last winter, when our leaders’ decisions to cut oil supplies and reject Russian natural gas:

  • forced heating, fuel and electricity prices to sky rocket
  • continued to make food more expensive
  • risked a global depression as inflation spiraled out of control
  • prompted blackouts in certain areas
  • made civil unrest a real possibility

States like California and countries like England were warning citizens that they faced severe electricity and gas shortages. 

Now is the time to speak out and be part of a movement that can halt this runaway train of climate alarmism. 

SIGN the petition calling on international leaders to abandon their reckless energy agenda and return the world to economic stability.

The entire climate change industry is based on models that have been consistently inaccurate for decades, with Al Gore among the most infamous prophets of doom to be proven wrong.

In 2009 Gore told the COP15 climate change conference in Copenhagen that the North Pole would be ice-free by 2014, a claim that remains wildly off the mark.

Al Gore is not alone in getting things wrong however, as this brief timeline of scaremongering headlines proves:

The world needs to wake-up to what’s really happening: our lives are being upended on the basis of climate theories and models that have been consistently wrong for decades.

It’s time to stop the scaremongering and push back against the radical agenda of international elites. 

SIGN & SHARE: Tell G20 leaders that their radical climate policies are making basic foods, fuel, heating and electricity increasingly unaffordable for normal citizens.

Thank you.

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The party, founded in 2019 by agricultural journalist Caroline van der Plas, has taken voters from the left, right, and center of Dutch politics. A March 2023 report in NL Times showed the broad appeal of a party which celebrates the family-centered, small community model of Dutch farming and citizenship.

Leader van der Plas has already announced that the “campaign has begun!”, with a video showing her supporters busily putting up party flags and banners:

READ: Dutch farmers’ strategy to fight Net Zero policies may have evolved beyond protests

Claiming to champion ordinary Dutch people, it appears to have made big gains in a perceived divide between the urban population, and those who live outside the big cities.

With BBB’s win, dissatisfaction in the country is back on the political agenda, this time with the gap between rural and urban as the source.

The BBB has strongly opposed measures supported by Mark Rutte and his coalition partners to forcibly close thousands of Dutch farms, and to severely limit livestock rearing.

From a recent high of over 30 percent, the BBB has fallen back to 27 percent in an aggregate poll last updated on July 1 by Politico:

It shows Rutte’s People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), a right-liberal party, in second place with 21 percent, with Wilder’s PVV in third place with 14 percent.

With the most recent polls taken beforehand, it is not yet known what the impact of the collapse of the final Rutte coalition might be on voting intentions. It looks likely in any case that the BBB will remain a strong contender for power, restoring a voice for single ownership farms and a people estranged by the dictates of distant elites – both in the Dutch government, and in the World Economic Forum itself.

Mark Rutte, WEF bag carrier, pictured in July 2022 (Source: Geenstijl)

Coalition maker comes unstuck 

Mark Rutte has led all four Dutch coalition governments since first forming one in 2010. He has claimed he will now retire from national politics, after the fall of a fourth coalition which took a record 271 days to form. 

The previous record was also set by a Rutte coalition, which in 2017 was agreed upon after 225 days of negotiations.

He had resigned as Prime Minister in January 2021 over a child benefit scandal, remaining in power as a “caretaker.” 

He narrowly survived a no-confidence vote to form what appears to be his final cabinet in December 2021.

With widespread criticism accompanying riots over Dutch lockdown policies, and the mounting opposition to the managed decline of Dutch farming, Rutte’s survival earned him the nickname “Teflon Rutte.” It would appear that a sticking point has nevertheless been found.

A vexed question

Rutte was reportedly in support of limiting immigration, together with his coalition partner, the right-liberal Christian Democrat Alliance. Opposed by the leftwing D66, and the minority Christian Union, agreement on any measures to limit mass migration proved impossible.

With recent events in France being described as a “war” by two police unions, the issue of mass migration in Europe has ended more than Rutte’s uneasy coalition. From a July 2 report by Fox News:

As the violence spiraled out of control in parts of France, two unions representing many of the country’s police demanded Friday that the government of Emmanuel Macron act immediately and support them as they counter the rioters.

The statement posted on social media from Alliance Police Nationale and UNSA police seems to have gotten their message across as more police have been sent to stop the unrest. ‘In the face of these savage hordes, calling for calm is not enough, we need to impose it, to re-establish order in the republic and put those arrested beyond where they can act up,’ the translated statement read.

It also made it clear that … if the police didn’t get the political support needed in putting down the violence, they could take action. ‘Today the police are in combat because we are at war, tomorrow we will be in resistance and the government should realize that.’

Italy, Sweden, and Finland join Hungary and Poland in having governments informed by a strong migration policy. Spain looks likely to be next, with some styling the newly-elected parliament of Greece in the same pro-borders vein.

The Netherlands, which very recently declared a state of emergency in The Hague to combat the latest farmers’ protest, has lost a government which seemed paralyzed when required to act in the interest of its people, yet which discovered its determination and vigor to destroy it.

The Netherlands remains the second largest exporter of food in the world, with the vast majority of its farms owned by a single Dutch family. These two factors bespeak of the enormous international success of small scale ownership – a model which large scale bureaucracies appear determined to destroy.

Dutch citizens will likely be well aware of the devastation facing their German neighbors, whose small business Mitterrand is being systematically destroyed.

It is a sector which accounted for 99.6 percent of firms and over 60 percent of all employees in 2020, as this Medium piece on the issue showed. Most of these firms are family-owned, and confer a strong sense of community on employees.

It is a similar model of human scale relations and successful business which is under threat in Germany, with over a quarter saying they will relocate. The pressures of the sanctions-fueled energy crisis, and the erratic Western policy of decoupling or disengaging from China have combined with Net Zero pressures to endanger the survival of the sector.

A report on the erosion of community business in the Indian Economic Times of July 10 showed how precarious the lives of formerly optimistic factory workers have become:

Marita Riesner, inspecting parts, said her heating costs spiked to 740 euros ($803) a month from 120 euros ($130). She and her neighbors are growing vegetable gardens to ease the pain of inflation as the country dips into recession.

‘I was a very positive thinker before,’ she said. ‘But these days, I’m sweating it. It seems a lot is going wrong.’

Much of what is going wrong is by design. The proposed farm closures would destroy not only Dutch food production but seriously damage the social structure of this very neighborly nation. This is a second-order effect of the application of technocratic fantasies to the real world – what is valuable is destroyed, and cannot be replaced by managerial modeling.

It appears the governing elite is not only out of touch, but simply cannot understand that there are significant human factors which are simply not replaceable.

A chance remains for the Dutch to salvage themselves from a future of subsistence farming and the abolition of their major industry. With elections likely in the near future, it looks likely that the Dutch farmers will see their nation under new management – one which has promised to preserve a way of life worth living.

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