
Seminarian crippled after taking COVID shot shares his heartbreaking story – LifeSite

Help Julian Young get urgent treatment for his vaccine injury: LifeFunder

(LifeSiteNews) — We all remember the confusion and fear in the early days of the COVID pandemic. We also remember the great confusion and fear that led up to the release of the jabs, as well as the Vatican’s endorsement of the jabs as something “charitable” to get. Since then the effects of the experimental jabs have been exposed as being overwhelmingly negative, as LifeSite has extensively covered. 

My guest today is American seminarian Julian Young, who got two doses of the Moderna jab as well as a booster while attending seminary, and as a result suffers from two autoimmune diseases and is now in a wheelchair.

READ: I took two COVID jabs while studying to be a Catholic priest. Now I’m in a wheelchair

Young tells me that the faith was not taken seriously while growing up, his mother being a Catholic and his father a Jehovah’s Witness. However, after high school he began to take Christianity seriously, finally entering the Catholic Church after doing Bible studies with a Catholic friend of his.

At the outset of the COVID pandemic, Young was in Paris, France, as a propaedeutic [student] for the Missions Étrangères de Paris, only to return to the United States in February 2020, and join his diocesan seminary the following fall.

While at the diocesan seminary, the jabs began rolling out. According to Young, there was confusion with regard to the jabs; on the one hand, there were those, the Vatican included, who maintained that getting the jab was an act of charity, while others pointed out that they were untested, abortion-tainted, experimental, and rushed. Even so, Young decided to get two doses of the Moderna jab and a booster.

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AutoTrader fires Christian woman one day after CBC report on her opposing LGBT ‘pride’ at Catholic school
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Mrs. Sheree Di Vittorio, a Coptic Christian parent, was fired by AutoTrader after radical left-wing activists contacted the company about her opposition to the promotion of LGBT ideologies at a local school.

Join us in boycotting AutoTrader for this apparent anti-Christian discrimination.

SIGN: We will boycott AutoTrader until it apologizes for discriminating against a Christian employee

Mrs. Di Vittorio sent her child to a York Catholic elementary school because she expected it to uphold her Christian principles.

She spoke up at a York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) meeting to object to the school’s sexualization of children and promotion of gender-confusion.

Di Vittorio did not expect to be fired from her job without cause after standing up for the rights and safety of children.

Police were called into a peaceful meeting, and the personal details of the speakers were released by the school board. Subsequently, Di Vittorio was defamed in an article by the highly propagandized, government- funded CBC.

After woke trolls demanded that AutoTrader terminate this mother, AutoTrader did so without any investigation, violating her rights.

The cowardice and intolerance of AutoTrader should concern us. Are we living in a totalitarian state? Who will be next?

Sign & Share: We won’t do business with AutoTrader until they apologize for this Orwellian discrimination

AutoTrader should stick to helping people purchase vehicles, not thought policing their employees in the exercise of their parental and civic duties.


Help Sheree cover her expenses as she tries to find a new job: LifeFunder

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While the effects of the jab were not immediately felt, Young tells me, “I did start to experience some inflammation on my lower body, which seemed kind of weird because it’s not something I had ever experienced before.” Young visited a chiropractor hoping that he would help the inflammation, though to no avail. Eventually, Young injured a foot while landing a bit hard on it while walking down a flight of stairs, and to his consternation and the confusion of doctors, both of his feet began exhibiting the same symptoms. He visited a podiatrist, though that didn’t help with the pain.

“Things got a lot worse,” Young recounts. “The pain in … both of my feet elevated to an extreme burning and tingling. And I eventually started having … muscle spasms, particularly while I was trying to sleep. I would experience my limbs and my body … just jolting out of nowhere. And I really started to just freak out at this point because I had no idea what was going on with my health.”

Young’s bishop gave him permission to take a leave of absence from seminary to take care of the disease afflicting him, leaving an open door should he like to reapply to the seminary. Young also relates that he has seen specialists and been out of the emergency room multiple times. It was in a conversation with friends that Young connected his ailments with the jabs, based on the timing they began to occur. 

Young now suffers from two autoimmune diseases as a result of the shots. One, complex regional pain syndrome, causes chronic inflammation throughout the body, and the other, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, effects the blood pressure and the heart. As a result of the diseases, Young cannot stand without feeling extreme pain in his feet and experiencing dizziness.

He does, however, have hope. Young tells me that he wants to visit the Spero Clinic in Arkansas, which specializes in the two diseases currently afflicting him. “Given the fact that this particular clinic … has a high remission rate and they also have a YouTube channel where you can see people going through their treatment program … and you can see the end result where they’re standing there, they look healthy, they look like they’ve gotten their life back,” Young says.

“I figured it’s possible for these other people, God willing, I think it’d be worth a shot,” he continues. “And I think God can make it possible for me as well.”

Despite his ordeal, Young tells me that he still feels called to the priesthood. “In a way, I do feel like I’m still in formation because this suffering has really been an opportunity to offer it up and unite it with Christ,” he tells me. “Although it’s been very, very difficult, nonetheless, I do feel like a lot of grace has come through it and it’s been very encouraging.”

Young also gives advice for those considering getting another booster, asking people to consider if it has helped them or others avoid getting COVID or spreading it. “I know people who have received the vaccines and have still got COVID, and I don’t think there’s any evidence to suggest that had they not received these shots, that it would have been any worse.”

“I would ask people to really question why they would want to put more of these toxic substances into their body in the first place if it’s not helping anybody,” he continues.

LifeSite is currently running a LifeFunder for Young to help pay for his medical expenses, and he expresses his gratitude for those who have donated already.

The John-Henry Westen Show is available by video on the show’s YouTube channel and right here on my LifeSite blog.

It is also available in audio format on platforms such as SpotifySoundcloud, and Acast. We are awaiting approval for iTunes and Google Play as well. To subscribe to the audio version on various channels, visit the Acast webpage here.

You can send me feedback, or ideas for show topics by emailing [email protected].

Help Julian Young get urgent treatment for his vaccine injury: LifeFunder

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