
Overall Confidence in U.S. Institutions Hits All-Time Low

There is little improvement in American’s confidence in U.S. institutions, according to a Gallup report published on July 6.

Less than a third (32%) of Americans have a great deal or a fair amount of confidence in church / organized religion. Still, it is the fifth-most trusted institution tracked by the report for the second year in a row. Additionally, the average confidence level is up one point from last year’s responses, which were the lowest recorded.

Of the 16 institutions tracked by the latest poll, Americans reported a fair amount or great deal of confidence in only two institutions — small business and the military, recorded at 65% and 60%, respectively. Police (43%; down two points), the medical system (34%; down four points), and church / organized religion (32%; up one point) continue to garner the highest recorded confidence.

The report found the average confidence across the 16 institutions to be at the lowest recorded, continuing a downward trend. Four institutions, police, public school, large tech companies and big business, were at the lowest recorded level of confidence since the start of the poll in 1979.

The report also noted that some institutions had noticeable partisan differences. Democrats were far more confident in the presidency and public schools, with a partisan difference of 39 points and 34 points, respectively. Republicans were more confident in the Supreme Court (28-point difference), church / organized religion (24-point difference) and police (20-point difference).

“Most of the institutions rated this year are within three points of their all-time-low confidence score, including four that are at or tied with their record low,” the report said. “Only four institutions have a confidence score significantly above their historical low: the military, small business, organized labor and banks.”

The full report is available

Studying Management Information Systems with a minor in Data Science at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, after graduation, Ball plans on pursuing a career in data science. She is a Good Faith Media Ernest C. Hynds Jr. intern for summer 2023.

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