
Trump Announces Plan to Rescue U.S. Auto Industry from Biden’s ‘Job-Killing’ Policies (Watch) – American Faith

In a Thursday press release, former President Donald J. Trump announced his comprehensive plan to rescue America’s auto industry from the harmful policies implemented by the Biden administration.

The policy video, dubbed “Agenda47,” criticizes President Biden’s alignment with Green New Deal policies and their implications on the auto industry.

“Joe Biden is waging war on the U.S. auto-industry with a series of crippling mandates designed to force Americans into expensive electric cars,” President Trump claimed.

He accused the Green New Deal policies of causing car prices to surge while jeopardizing the future of American auto production.

He predicted that “if Biden’s assault is not stopped, American auto-production will be totally DEAD.”

To counteract this, Trump outlined a series of policy reversals targeting President Biden’s administration, promising to “terminate these Green New Deal atrocities on Day One.”

Key among these includes the rollback of “Biden’s assault on the internal combustion engine,” cancellation of his “harmful” emission regulations, and an end to the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards that he claimed would cost the auto industry $200 billion.

In defense of American workers, Trump’s plan emphasized preserving the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) protections, ensuring full compliance with its terms.

It also focused on halting American tax dollars subsidizing Chinese electric vehicle battery companies through Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act and ending Biden’s alleged “war on American energy.”

To regain American energy independence, Trump proposed measures such as ending delays in federal drilling permits and leases, exiting the Paris Climate Accords, and restoring the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).

Further advancing the cause of American workers, Trump advocated for a national tariff policy.

“Rather than raising taxes on American producers like Joe Biden is proposing, I will impose tariffs on FOREIGN producers through a system of universal baseline tariffs on most imported goods,” Trump explained.

This approach, according to him, will create millions of new jobs, boost GDP, increase domestic manufacturing output, and generate substantial new government revenue.

On the topic of trade, Trump pledged to implement the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act.

This act proposes reciprocal tariffs, matching those imposed by foreign nations on American goods.

The intention is to create a level playing field for American businesses and reduce the trade deficit.

Addressing the current state of the auto industry under Biden’s leadership, Trump argued that “Biden’s environmental mandates will devastate the American auto industry.”

His concerns largely focus on the dependence on China for EV battery supply, as well as the negative impacts of transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs) on American jobs.

Lastly, the press release highlighted Trump’s previous accomplishments during his presidency, asserting that he “saved the American auto industry once,” and pledging that he will do so again.

It listed various trade deals that he renegotiated or canceled, tariff actions taken against China, and significant investments in domestic auto manufacturing during his term.

With these proposed policies, Trump aims to revert the trends that he believes are harming the auto industry and American workers.

He concluded by stating, “I saved the American auto industry once, and now, I will save it again.”

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