
Prayers that straddle Israel’s divide

Perhaps few other places in the world have seen so much prayer as Jerusalem’s Western Wall. The stony remnant of a destroyed Jewish temple has drawn millions to pray over centuries. Yet on Sunday, the day before Israel’s government approved a contentious change to the independence of its courts, one group of prayers stood out. They had gathered, as The Jerusalem Post put it, to offer “a prayer for the country’s unity.”

“They didn’t cast blame, demonize the other side, or predict a dystopian future for Israel,” the Post opined. “Instead, they called for cooler heads to prevail to prevent an insurmountable schism.”

For months, Israel has seen mass protests against any judicial overhaul by the right-wing government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The national debate strikes at the heart of Israel’s identity as both a democracy and a Jewish state – and at the values guiding Israel’s actions toward the Palestinians.

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