
Anti-Woke Online Marketplace PublicSq. Offers Jobs to Fired Bud Light Workers – American Faith

In the aftermath of Anheuser-Busch’s latest lay-offs, the CEO of pro-America online marketplace PublicSq., Michael Seifert, has extended a helping hand to recently fired Bud Light workers.

The approximately 18,000 affected workers were let go after the beer maker suffered significant financial losses following its controversial partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

In an open letter, PublicSq. offered its support and assistance to the now-jobless employees, criticizing Anheuser-Busch leadership’s decision and beer brand CEO’s lack of accountability.

“We’re sorry that Anheuser-Busch leadership prioritized left-wing ideology over sound business practices,” PublicSq.’s letter began.

The company highlighted the contentious decision, blaming it for the unfortunate situation.

The criticism was explicitly pointed towards Anheuser-Busch CEO Brandon Whitworth, as the letter stated it was “especially unfortunate that Anheuser-Busch CEO Brandon Whitworth will still earn a massive annual salary and not face any consequences for his actions, while you are the ones that suffer for Bud Light’s disastrous decision.”

PublicSq. made an open call for the former employees to send in their resumes, with a promise to distribute them among their network of pro-America businesses.

“If you’re now looking for work due to upper management’s out-of-touch decision making, please reach out and send your resumes to [email protected],” the letter read.

It was specified that both PublicSq. and Red Balloon will play their parts in distributing these resumes to their “respective networks of tens of thousands of pro-America businesses.”

In addition, PublicSq. made it clear that their mission is to stand against the “growing progressive politicization” of the economy they believe “hurts Americans in so many different ways.”

The company has expressed its aim to support those who have been negatively affected by such actions: “We started our business to help people like you. […] it’s time we take a stand against it.”

The open letter, strikingly critical of Anheuser-Busch’s decision to lay off Bud Light workers, offers a beacon of hope to those affected by this situation, and further indicates PublicSq.’s stand against the ongoing politicization of economic affairs.

Conservative influencer Kendall Bailey (@kendall_in_kentucky) took to Instagram to celebrate PublicSq.’s decision, saying the move is “something more companies need to get behind.”

Last week, the patriotic online marketplace began trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol PSQH.

“Clearly, there’s this very large, unaddressed market in the United States that feels like, in the era of sort of woke or progressive corporatism, they’re not being talked to. In fact, in many cases, they’re being actively ignored or antagonized,” Seifert told FOX Business.

“We’re not asking anybody to be political,” the CEO added. “We’re certainly asking them not to lecture us about our views and values and to live in alignment with those so that our consumers don’t feel like they’re having to fund causes they stand opposed to.”

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