
Biden admin must pay $65k after illegally removing insurance coverage for fertility awareness – LifeSite

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WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The federal government must pay $65,000 to settle a lawsuit after the Biden administration illegally removed fertility awareness instruction from the insurance coverage requirements of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

The Biden administration “illegally eliminated it [in 2021] without responding to any public objections or giving any explanation for the change,” Alliance Defending Freedom previously stated.

The nonprofit Christian legal group represented the challenger to the regulations.

Federal taxpayers must pay out attorney’s fees to Dr. Cami Jo Tice-Harouff, a nurse practitioner who teaches fertility awareness and challenged the Biden administration’s decision to remove the 2016 language that covered these methods, according to the July 25 court ruling from Eastern District of Texas Judge Jeremy Kernodle.

ADF said it was “pleased” with the ruling.

“The Biden administration can’t impose its own preferred contraceptive methods on all women without explanation and without even allowing a real public comment period, as required by law, Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake stated. “When it comes to family planning, countless women depend on fertility awareness-based methods to help them raise families in a manner consistent with their unique needs.”

“We were pleased to favorably settle this case on behalf of our client, Dr. Cami Jo Tice-Harouff, who is providing experienced care to women across the country,” Blake stated. “But the successful resolution of this case benefits all women who may wish to use fertility awareness-based methods and can now keep their preferred doctor and insurance coverage.”

Traditionally associated with Catholicism and Natural Family Planning, fertility awareness has gained attention over the years not just from pro-life and conservative Catholics and Protestants who hold that birth control is immoral (including because hormonal birth control can cause an early abortion), but also from individuals who are concerned with the side effects of hormonal birth control.

1 million names against abortion Join us in urging the Supreme Court to stop the killing

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