
Former Hunter Biden associate says Joe definitely knew about his son’s corrupt business dealings – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Populist pundit Tucker Carlson released the second portion of his in-depth interview with presidential son Hunter Biden’s former business associate Devon Archer Friday, delving into details of the Biden family’s business dealings in which the mainstream media has shown little interest.

As a former colleague and friend of Hunter, the son of former Vice President and current President Joe Biden, Republicans see Archer as a crucial witness in their investigation into allegations that the Biden family engaged in corrupt business dealings exploiting his position as the number-two figure in the Obama administration.

READ: Hunter Biden calls with Joe during overseas business meetings an ‘abuse of soft power’: former associate

On Monday, Archer reportedly told lawmakers during a lengthy private interview that Joe Biden was placed on speakerphone during Hunter’s business meetings on some 20 occasions, but stopped short of saying that the elder Biden talked about business or that he made any policy decisions in light of his son’s business dealings.

In Part 1 of Carlson’s interview, released Wednesday, Archer said the then-vice president’s participation in the calls seemed like “an abuse of soft power.” He explained that the arrangement was predicated on “provid[ing] the government insight and an additional network to raise capital and then deal with regulatory issues that you might have at the corporate level,” which meant “selling access” to high-level political figures who can help navigate the world of lobbying and federal regulation to “get things put to the front of the line.”

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Hunter Biden’s Laptop Exposes Presidential Corruption! Demand FULL TRANSPARENCY from the Mainstream Media NOW!
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UPDATE AUGUST 29, 2022 — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admits to Joe Rogan that the FBI was interested in supressing the Hunter Biden Laptop story! 

If you are not aware of the foreign security threats implicated in the “Hunter Biden Laptop Story” — and what they might mean for America’s national security and foreign geopolitical affairs — that’s by design. 

You were never meant to discover the contents compromising President Joe Biden, and for good reason. The mainstream media kept you ignorant on purpose.  

In fact, the New York Post was censored by Twitter, Facebook, and all of Big Tech for even breaking the story that Hunter Biden’s laptop existed. 

The New York Times, Washington Post, and the entire mainstream media called any reference to the story “Russian disinformation.” 


SIGN: Tell the Mainstream Media that viewers demand transparency on the Bidens NOW!

Enough is enough — America refuses to be kept wondering about our compromised national security, corrupt sweetheart business deals, and pay-to-play schemes detailed in the Hunter Biden Laptop. 


“Polling taken in April shows that nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that the president has been compromised by his family’s shady business dealings with China,” LifeSiteNews reported on July 1, 2022.  

Even CNN has finally begun to admit that the Hunter Biden Laptop is a serious problem

  • Illegal gun purchase
  • Sweetheart foreign Ukraine deals 
  • Political access to (then) Vice-President Joe Biden 
  • Federal probes and investigations  

Voters MUST know for whom they are voting. Sound the alarm with our new petition! SIGN TODAY! 

The First Amendments protects a Free Press to report the truth and protect the American people — but the mainstream media has betrayed its viewers, spinning pro-communist and pro-globalist narratives that are HURTING voters! 

Voters MUST learn about President Joe Biden’s compromised business dealings with China, Russia, Ukraine, and so many others — all pointing to the Hunter Biden Laptop. 


Media executives must learn that their viewership will continue tanking as long as executives run cover for their far-left base.  

Tell media executives that you will NO LONGER watch or trust their network until they fully reveal the contents of the Hunter Biden Laptop! 

It is not enough to simply change the channel. We must leave a parting shot to mainstream media executives telling them WHY consumers are refusing to watch any longer. 


This is the only way to save the future of the media and win back a trustworthy Free Press for future generations.  

There is no telling what the mainstream media will continue to hide, deny, and deflect if they decide to run cover for the most powerful man in the world — the President of the United States. 

*** There is no time to lose—we refuse to let important information remain hidden from the American voters any longer! *** 

The Hunter Biden Laptop story is the single greatest piece of evidence indicating that America’s national security is likely compromised.  

We the People deserve to know the truth! 



NY Post: photo from the Hunter Biden Laptop 

Flickr: Officia do Palácio do Planalto. CC BY 2.0.  

Photos combined. 

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In Part 2 of the interview, Archer called it “categorically false” to claim that the elder Biden had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings, saying that he was “aware of Hunter’s business, he met with Hunter’s business partners,” and even wrote a letter in 2011 that “illustrated he knew me.”

Joe and Hunter “have a great relationship, father and son. They speak everyday, and I witnessed that for 10 years,” Archer said.

In the letter, the former vice president apologized “for not getting a chance to talk to you at the luncheon yesterday,” explaining that he had been occupied with then President of China Hu Jintao. “I hope I get a chance to see you again soon with Hunter,” Biden wrote. “I hope you enjoyed the lunch. Thanks for coming. … Happy you guys are together.”

The interview also touched on Biden’s infamous boast as vice president to have facilitated the firing of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who had been investigating Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings by threatening to withhold a billion-dollar loan from the U.S. to Ukraine. Defenders claim the move was about Shokin not prosecuting corruption aggressively enough, but critics suggest it was about Shokin potentially getting too close to Burisma, on whose board Burisma sat despite lacking any professional qualifications in the energy industry. Archer was on the board as well.

READ: Witness says Hunter Biden spoke to his father during many overseas business meetings

“Shokin was considered a threat to the business,” Archer told Carlson. “I think anyone in government is always a threat and always trying to shake down these businesses that were highly successful and enriching the owners and the staff and the board. And so at the end of the day, Shokin was taking a look.”

“And again, I wasn’t involved in Shokin or any of this, but he was a threat, he ended up seizing assets of Nikolai [Zlochevsky, owner of Burisma],” he continued. “House, some cars, a couple of properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets. And the case was – I mean – obviously this, it’s all out there. And the case was that Shokin, there was all this pressure to fire Shokin from this, you know, the larger community. And then he was fired and then somehow Burisma was let off the hook. I mean, that’s what the story was.”

READ: Jack Maxey discusses significance of judge tossing out Hunter Biden’s ‘sweetheart’ plea deal

In June, members of Congress reviewed an FBI informant file alleging that in June 2020 the future president accepted a $5 million bribe from a Burisma executive, and reportedly corroborating that the elder Biden was indeed the “big guy” repeatedly referred to in business correspondents found on Hunter’s laptop.

Additionally, Archer shed some light on Hunter’s well-known personal struggle with drug addiction, describing him as “sober” early on in their association, but adding that the 2015 death of his brother Beau Biden from brain cancer took a toll on him “mentally,” causing a “downward spiral” in his behavior that contributed to “less effective business decisions.” He added, however, that Hunter made “made a lot of efforts to repair and go to rehab and get better.”

Upon narrowly retaking the U.S. House of Representatives in last year’s midterm elections, Republicans named investigating the Biden family as one of their priorities. Critics accuse the U.S. Justice Department of a politically-motivated double standard for not pursuing alleged Biden family crimes while indicting former President Donald Trump, who is currently seeking the Republican nomination to challenge Biden for president, on charges of stonewalling investigators over his post-presidency retention of classified documents.

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