
Text Messages Show Chinese Firm Wanted Biden Name to Purchase U.S. Energy Assets – American Faith

Text messages given to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reveal that a Chinese energy company wanted to use the Biden name to help cover its plan to acquire U.S. energy assets.

Hunter Biden business partner James Gilliar texted future partner Tony Bobulinski, “There will be a deal between one of the most prominent families from US and them (China) constructed by me.”

The message came after Hunter Biden knew of CFEC China Energy’s plans and leader Ye Jianming.

“I think this will then be a great addition to their portfolios as it will give them a profile base in NYC, then LA, etc,” the text continued.

“For me it’s a no brainer but culturally they are different, but smart so let’s see,” Gilliar texted.

“Any entry ticket is small for them. Easier and better demographic than Arabs who are little anti US after trump,” he wrote.

In March 2016, Biden business partners Rob Walker and Gilliar created a memo for Hunter Biden to send to CEFC.

The energy deal would later become one of the most prominent Biden family scandals.

Text messages from 2017 discuss the prominence of the Biden name in business deals, with one message reading, “What is the deal in Romania and how does the B influence relative there?”

Reporting from Just the News:

The messages were among a trove provided by Bobulinski to FBI agents two years ago and to Congress more recently, according to interviews.

“I want to thank all the recent witnesses who have been willing to come out on record and tell the truth about Biden family corruption. I would encourage the American people to go back and review all the facts I detailed in 2020,” Bobulinski said.  “Joe Biden IS the Big Guy! CEFC, Chairman Ye and Director Zang were 100% focused, starting in 2015 while Joe was VP, on leveraging Joe Biden and the power his position and name wielded around the world to benefit the CCP and China. Focus on the facts.”
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