
Violent Assault Victim to Vote Republican After Portland Democratic Leadership Defunds Police – American Faith

Portland-based radiologist, Dr. Mary Constantino, has voiced strong criticism of the Democratic leadership in her city, following a horrifying personal experience.

Constantino was unexpectedly attacked by a homeless man on a recent Friday evening out with a friend, an aluminum water bottle thrown at her head causing her to lose consciousness and resulting in a pool of blood on the pavement.

While law enforcement ideally should have responded quickly to such an incident, it took almost half an hour for assistance to arrive, Constantino disclosed to Fox News.

Despite the delay, she absolved the police from any blame, pointing instead to the city’s policies, particularly those related to defunding law enforcement, as the core of the problem.

She emphasized, “I do not hold the police accountable for this at all—I hold our city accountable for defunding the police.”

Dr. Constantino is determined to make a change and shared that she did not support a city commissioner who advocated for defunding the police.

Moreover, she voted for a Republican candidate in the most recent gubernatorial election in Oregon.

The incident has reaffirmed her belief that the city’s lack of sufficient police force to safeguard its citizens stems from their own choices.

As she said, “We don’t have enough police force to protect our citizens, and we did this to ourselves.”

The security failure that Dr. Constantino and others in Portland have experienced is symptomatic of broader issues with Democratic governance prioritizing political agendas over citizen safety, she argues.

The paradox, she asserts, is that while Democratic leaders advocate for tighter gun control, many individuals, particularly women, are resorting to arming themselves for personal safety.

As Voice of America reported, “new gun owners are more likely to be female,” and “women accounted for about half of all gun purchases between 2019 and 2021.”

Critics argue that Democratic policies, marked by leniency and excuses, are increasingly leaving ordinary citizens to bear the brunt while enabling hardened criminals.

In the U.S., which ranks a lowly 131st out of 165 countries on the Global Peace Index, such issues are starkly evident in cities like San Francisco, Philadelphia, Seattle, Chicago, Detroit, and Washington, D.C., most of which have Democratic leadership, The Western Journal notes.

These dynamics, Dr. Constantino notes, discourage individuals from joining police forces, thus leading to a lack of personnel and diminishing capability.

This recent incident in Portland highlights the devastating consequences of what critics believe are failing Democratic policies.

They argue that until these policies are checked, more citizens like Mary Constantino will continue to suffer unprovoked attacks.

Supporters of the Democratic party may argue that their approach is in the best interest of the nation, but critics, like Constantino, suggest that the experiences on the ground indicate otherwise, and without a change in direction, the nation’s narrative may be headed towards an unhappy ending.

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