
The Brew: Sad Sound of Snickers Over Women’s Soccer Team World Cup Exit, and the Strange Targeting of Sound of Freedom – The Stream

Happy Monday!

Today’s Brew comes with a tear for Team USA … or is it the sound of the world’s smallest violin? 

U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Makes Their Earliest Exit from World Cup Ever

Perhaps they’ll get a sponsorship deal from Bud Light. The U.S. Women’s soccer team is out of the World Cup after losing to Sweden in a heart-stopping, heart-breaking 5-4 shootout after going scoreless. This is the earliest exit ever for the two-time defending champions. They’d never even finished less than third.

Sadly, as The Blaze reports, the defeat is being greeted with as much celebration as sorrow. There’s not much love in some corners for the once cherished team, since they started showing more interest in anti-American left-wing activism than in the sport. For example, taking a knee for “The Star Spangled Banner” at international events. Or in the case of this World Cup, treating the National Anthem with bored distain. Not all the players, mind you. But enough.

So, no surprise, the loss sent #GoWoke trending.

At the forefront of the activism and lecturing has been veteran Megan Rapinoe. Rapinoe, playing in her final tournament, had a chance to win the match for USA during the shootout, but sent the ball far right. That’s the first time in five years she missed a penalty kick. Five years. And so ended her professional career.

“A sick joke,” she said afterwards.

If that miss was a sick joke, Sweden’s winner was a cruel one. U.S. goalkeeper Alyssa Naeher got a glove on it, but the ball hit the crossbar and came straight down. Naeher made a heroic, twisting effort to keep the ball out of the goal. Unfortunately, a replay showed the ball crossed the line by the slimmest of slim margins. And that was that for U.S. Women’s National Team.

“We lost the World Cup by a millimeter,” Naeher said. The question is, will U.S. women’s soccer regain the lost hearts of the American people?

How Bad is the Liberal Media Out to Wreck Sound of Freedom? They’re Blowing Up the Arrest of a Man Who Invested $500 in the Film

A Missouri man who found himself caught in the middle of a custody dispute is having his name and arrest splattered across the mainstream media in order to tarnish Sound of Freedom.

Fabian Marta was charged as an accessory to child kidnapping. Seems he was the landlord of a woman in a custody battle with her aunt. The woman reportedly didn’t turn over two of her own children in violation of a shared custody arrangement. The aunt rang the cops. Marta allegedly “refused to allow police access to the residence … impeding the kidnapping investigation.”

“I don’t understand how they’re charging him with this,” Marta’s lawyer told Deadline, “He has nothing to do with kidnapping anyone.” 

Seem like national news to you? Sound like he’s Jeffrey Epstein? Well … apparently Marta at some point took part in crowd source funding to help pay for Sound of Freedom’s release. One of 6,678 people who invested. And the media ghouls who don’t want the truth of child sex trafficking pounced. See? An investor in … no, financier of … Sound of Freedom arrested for child kidnapping!

Greg Price collected some of media stories. Post Millennium has more of the details.

Let’s think about this for a second. Marta was listed in the credits along with the 6,677 others. Does someone hate the idea of exposing child sex trafficking so much they would go through those thousands of investor names looking for someone they could use to tarnish the film?

Think we’re exaggerating when we say we’re battling evil?

Neil Harmon of Angel Studios, which released the smash film, put out a statement detailing the criteria for Angel investors, then returned the focus to what counts:

We’re grateful to brave law enforcement officials who have already arrested dozens of traffickers in the weeks following Sound of Freedom’s release. Our film speaks to this globally-pervasive problem, and it is our hope that perpetrators everywhere will be brought to justice no matter who they are, and that even more people will see the film to raise awareness.

Preventing as Well as Stopping Trafficking

I learned something I didn’t know about Rescue LIFE at the 60 Years of LIFE celebration. Not only do they work to rescue those who are being trafficked, but they are working hard to train vulnerable communities on the tricks traffickers use to lure in victims. Said LOI Missions head John Yeatts, they’re “working to prevent a problem as much as to solve the problem.”

We’re hoping to talk to John when he gets a breather from running around the globe to explain the hard, unsung, not-so-cinematic and dramatic work that goes into reaching, rescuing and restoring those being trafficked.

Meanwhile, Randy Robison, just back from Burundi for LOI’s Water for LIFE, has posted a powerful reflection inspired by his trip. “Remember the Poor.”

Along The Stream

In her latest “Sunny Side of the Stream,” Aliya Kuykendall opens her heart about her past battles with body image issues and the freedom she found in scripture. “Celebrating God’s Natural Design for Our Bodies Heals Self-Hatred” 

Just up, Bunni Pounds looks at the shocking, intimate remarks by Rep. Nancy Mace at a recent prayer breakfast and offers the wise “A Congresswoman’s Gaffe is Really a Spotlight on the Body of Christ.” 

Ever challenged with a controversial question without the time to properly answer? Tom Gilson offers “The Stupid Half-Answer Trap: How to See It Coming, How to Avoid It”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTRGabParler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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