
Pro-life rescuer objects to DC FACE Act prosecutor calling disabled unborn baby a ‘would-be child’ – LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The prosecution in the D.C. FACE Act trial on Wednesday called an unborn baby suffering fetal abnormalities a “would-be child.” 

Attorney Sanjay Patel used the expression in a question directed to pro-life defendant Rosemary “Herb” Geraghty. Geraghty immediately objected to the offensive attempt to dehumanize disabled unborn children. After the judge instructed Patel to reword the question, the court heard him use the same phrase in two more attempts to offend the witness and elicit an answer that conceded his phrasing. 

Patel’s continued use of the phrase prompted Geraghty to rebuke the attorney loudly, saying: “I object to your characterization that a human being is a would-be child. That’s another human being!” 

The court was silent, and the prosecution was forced to move on. 

READ: Prosecutors strike infamous video of late-term abortionist from evidence in DC FACE Act trial 

Geraghty’s first attempt to object and address the issue of fetal abnormalities was to attest that she had a 30-year-old friend who had survived multiple attempted abortions after having been diagnosed with one. The prosecutor tried to shout her down, and the judge instructed the jury to ignore what she dubbed “irrelevant” “commentary”, saying that it was not what the witness had been asked about and had no bearing on the matter of the trial.  

Tensions were high during the final cross-examination of the trial. The prosecution painted the defendants as criminally obstructive towards pregnant women who came to the Washington Surgi-Clinic for late term abortions on October 22, 2020. However, the peaceful protesters made it clear that their motive for conducting the rescue that day truly was the sanctity of the life of the unborn. 

READ: Prosecutors strike infamous video of late-term abortionist from evidence in DC FACE Act trial 

In support of the pro-life rescuers who are facing federal prison sentences for their peaceful intervention at the Washington-Surgi Clinic, pro-life leaders will hold a prayer vigil and news conference on Thursday, August 24, during (or following) jury deliberations for this trial.   

The event will be hosted by Citizens for a Pro-life Society and the Christian Defense Coalition at 1:00pm at E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse located at 333 Constitution Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C.  

According to announcement, “Dr. [Monica] Migliorino [Miller] and Rev. Mahoney will be calling for the repeal of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) after the overturning of Roe v Wade and praying for justice.” 

Dr. Miller, the director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and a long-time Red Rose Rescuer, said:  

The pro-life movement cannot abandon these pro-lifers who defended unborn children who were scheduled for extermination. They are heroes facing the most draconian court proceedings—penalties [of] up to 11 years in federal prison. By holding this prayer service, we are publicly showing them the support they deserve—and we need to pray for them—and most importantly pray for justice to be done for the innocent unborn—who even the judge in this case said ‘are nonpersons!’” 

READ: Third day of Washington DC Face Act proceedings: ‘Catholicism on trial’ 

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, director of the Washington, D.C. based Christian Defense Coalition, said, “We are gathering together to pray and speak about the injustice of a federal law which could send pro-life activists to federal prison for 11 years in their peaceful efforts to save innocent children from abortion violence.”

Calling for the FACE Act to be struck down, Mahoney declared, “The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) must be immediately repealed as it establishes a ‘two-tiered’ system of justice by seeking harsh federal prison sentences against the pro-life community based on their beliefs and not their actions. It is unconscionable for American citizens to be imprisoned 11 years for peacefully intervening to save lives while violent criminals receive much lighter sentences.” 


Pro-life leader accuses Biden DOJ of weaponizing FACE Act to cover up infanticide  

Defense attorney in DC FACE Act trial files notice on appeals court decision that backed pro-lifers  

‘Targeted by the government’: Former rescuer flips, testifies against pro-lifers on trial in DC  

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