
The Brew: Mug Shots, MLK and the Missing Special Counsel – The Stream

Happy Monday!

Who am I kidding? I have to talk about the mug shot. But first …

60th Anniversary of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

He won. His dream won. And they’re striving to strip him of his victory.

Sunday marked the 60th anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s historic, anointed “I Have a Dream” speech. Rev. King hadn’t planned on talking about his dream for America at the March for Civil Rights. It wasn’t in his prepared remarks. But gospel singer Mahalia Jackson urged, “tell ‘em about the dream, Martin.” And out poured poetry and prophecy … a vision of an America where people are “judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream, is God-ordained vision came to fruition. By the turn of the century, a new generation was arising that would find the idea of discriminating, even distinguishing on the basis of race perplexing.

Oh, but the Marxists and their “Critical Race Theory” had other plans for Rev. King’s “Dream.” Somehow, in a demonic twist not far off from the serpent in the Garden, they’ve worked to convince children that to suggest we judge on character, not skin color is racist. That race comes before all. They have very nearly stolen Rev. King’s victory. You can say they’ve done more damage to King than James Earl Ray.

On this 60th anniversary of that golden, glorious day in Washington, D.C., let us strive to restore King’s vision to our schools and our society. Let us be “free at last” from the shackles of the race hustlers and hoaxers doing the devil’s work. Let us stand with that preacher whose monument stands in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial.

The Mug Shot 

Since Trump came down that elevator Democrats have been dreaming of Trump’s arrest … fantasizing over seeing a Trump mug shot.

They finally got the mug shot Thursday night. Right between the eyes. They wanted defeat? They got defiance. They got a pose, a glare, practiced and planned and tanned. They got “Come and Take It.” “Damn the Torpedoes, Fire Away.” “Let’s Roll.” They got Churchill staring down the Nazis.

They got, as Alan Dershowitz had predicted, a cash cow for the Trump campaign. The mug shot had barely shot around the world before the Trump campaign swag featured the mugshot … and the words “Never Surrender.” By Saturday, the campaign had banked $7.1 million after the shot, with $4.18 coming Friday. The biggest daily haul thus far in his campaign.

But money’s the least of the gift Fani Willis has done. When the hangover hits the gleeful, spiteful cable news hosts, they’ll open their bleary eyes to see another image from Thursday that’ll have them reaching for double the Advil.

It’s the images of Trump rolling through a poor, black Atlanta neighborhood while on his way to court … and residents lined up cheering.

Thanks to Fani Willis and the regime, Trump has with the mug shot offered something to those of all creeds and colors who have been put under it the last three years. The loud message: “We have yet begun to fight.”  

I write more on this in “‘Never Surrender’: The Mug Shot That Ricocheted”

Strange and Not Strange

It is not strange that Joe Biden would raise money off the arrest of his major political opponent. Right at 7:30 p.m., the time scheduled for Trump to turn himself in, Biden’s campaign tweeted, “Apropos of nothing, I think today’s a great day to give to my campaign.” Keep it classy, Big Guy. 

It is strange that when asked about Trump’s mug shot, Biden responded. “I did see it on television. Handsome guy. Wonderful guy.”  

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems a man credibly accused of accepting in millions in bribes from foreign countries might not want to play so “cute” about the arrest and booking of a former president. Let alone someone who is being prosecuted just for saying you cheated to win. 

Speaking of the Biden Scandal … or Two … or Three

Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor Joe Biden got fired — which by amazing coincidence was the exact task Burisma paid boatloads of money to Hunter Biden to make happen — spoke out in a new interview over the weekend. Shokin told Brian Kilmeade he was fired because of the pressure Biden put on then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The prosecutor says he had the goods on Burisma, adding there wasn’t anything particularly “different” about the case … but for the involvement of Hunter and Joe Biden. “Biden at the time oversaw Ukraine affairs for the White House.”

He expressed his personal opinion the Bidens were on the take. “I do not want to deal in unproven facts, but my firm personal conviction is that, yes, this was the case. They were being bribed,” Shokin said. “And the fact that Joe Biden gave away $1 billion in U.S. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing isn’t that alone a case of corruption?”

Meanwhile, you know the wall between DOJ and the White House? According to a new report, it’s shaped like a bridge. Visitor logs show a top aide to Special Counsel Jack Smith named Jay Bratt met at the White House with Deputy Chief of Staff for the White House Counsel’s Office Caroline Saba just weeks before Trump’s indictment on the classified documents case. 

Adding to the fishy smell:  According to the New York Post, Bratt had also met with Saba in November 2021 at the White House when Trump was in the midst of negotiating with the National Archives over documents he had retained. Earlier reporting indicated the White House had coordinated with National Archives to push the DOJ inquiry into Trump’s handling of documents. The Daily Signal also detailed the White House’s involvement leading up to the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

At this point you may be wondering, what ever happened to the Special Counsel Robert Hur? He’s supposed to be investigating Biden’s spreading of decades worth of classified material from D.C. to Delaware to Boston, including next to his Corvette. Unfortunately, he’s vanished like D.B. Cooper. 

One place we know he isn’t. He’s not interviewing Joe Biden. And according to Biden, Hur’s not even interested in talking to him. While vacationing in Tahoe, Biden was asked if he was planning a sit-down with Hur. “There’s no such request and no such interest.”

Are we surprised? Nah. Rep. Elaine Stefanik noted when he was appointed that Hur knew all about the FBI’s dealings with Christopher Steele and the bogus dossier when he was at the FBI. He also worked for FBI Director Christopher Wray, who treats bureau corruption with all the attention I gave calculus class. Then there’s the one item that caught my eye when he was appointed. The gig he had at the time: 

According to his bio, he’s the co-chair of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher’s Crisis Management Practice Group. His expertise is used to “guide companies and individuals facing white-collar criminal matters, regulatory proceedings and enforcement actions, internal investigations, and related civil litigation.”

In other words, Bob Hur is the guy you bring in when you are a big shot in trouble and want to get out of it. Not the guy you bring in when you want to investigate and expose wrongdoing.

Will be fascinating to see if Hur offers up to David Weiss whatever Ukraine-connected documents Biden carried out of the White House. Or if Weiss bothers to go look for them. 

Tomorrow, if the headlines cooperate, we leave Washington scandals behind for the latest in the culture wars. 

Along The Stream

John Zmirak has done a video interview with Stream contributor Jason Jones on the situation in Maui. Jason is on the ground, providing relief and offering a glimpse of what’s not being talked about on the evening news.  WATCH: “Hawaii’s 9/11.”

If you haven’t been checking out Stream writer Aliya Kuykendall’s “Sunny Side of the Stream” each weekend, you’re missing out. This week, Aliya shares the encouraging news on the release of Danish preacher Torben Søndergaard after 412 days in immigration detention. 

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTRGabParler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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