
Does the US gov’t possess secret technology that tortures human brains? – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A previous article described how U.S. government employees at entities like the FBI, local and federal intelligence community, and even local police and secret police (or “law enforcement” as they are sometimes incorrectly labeled) might be causing falsified elections due to the refusal to publish their methods, sources, technologies, surveillance techniques, hoaxes, schemes and other operations.

The basic argument is that if Americans are to vote for or against future politicians who are going to indirectly or directly operate the security, investigative, or policing entities in America, then American voters need to know the methods, sources, technologies, surveillance techniques, hoaxes, and other operations which those government employees use. Not publicizing their actions, technologies, and methods almost necessarily obstructs Americans’ informed consent in voting, deprives Americans of the right to vote, and almost necessarily causes falsified elections.

READ: Why the transparency of the FBI, US intelligence is essential for fair election outcomes

It was not completely explained, but by not publicizing their methods, sources, technologies, surveillance techniques, hoaxes, and other operations, entities like the FBI, local secret police, and intelligence community might be obstructing justice. This is due to their potential use of secret weapons against Americans.

Other previous articles described how radio wave, electromagnetic, infrared, or other advanced technologies could be used to force thoughts into a targeted person’s brain and/or forcibly cause bodily movements, confusion, loss of balance and coordination, or otherwise torture a targeted person. FBI, local police, and other similar entities could use such technologies as torture without a targeted person even realizing that the cause of their thoughts is a result of such advanced mind-controlling technologies.

Previous articles also mentioned that while many people might wrongly think that mind control or brain control is impossible, mind control was actually already achieved several years ago by the U.S. government and other scientists. Scientists reportedly achieved such mind control by using technologies to stimulate locations in the brain (neurons and circuits of neurons) with precise specificity. Basically, very small locations in the brain can be stimulated which results in forcibly causing specific thoughts or body movements.

Some of the technologies used to achieve such forced thoughts or body movements are surgically implanted into a person’s brain. Other technologies often use a cap-like mechanism worn on the human head with wires attached. The wires and cap basically “shoot,” so to speak, energy or “waves” into the brain which results in thoughts, emotions, or movements. Again, those technologies are, for the most part, not secret or remotely controlled.

Government employees making such technologies into a secret and remotely controlled weapon would require wireless and mostly “noninvasive” (or without surgery) stimulation of precise locations in the brain.

Specifically remote and secret human mind control has apparently not been completely publicly described. However, one of the basic scientific mechanisms or technologies which might be used to achieve remote and secret mind control and remote and secret torture involves the activating of neurons (locations in the human brain) through slight increases in heat in those neurons.

And this is one of the main points of this article: such remotely controlled technology which can be targeted at an individual person to slightly increase temperatures of locations of the human brain was described many years ago by the U.S. government. It was in the news a few years ago but might have been overlooked due to the media making such technology sound like a hoax. The technology is broadly labeled as “directed energy” and, when used as weapons, is described as “directed energy weapons.” One type of weapon which sounded like a hoax but was likely true is the use of microwaves (also radio waves) which are directed at, or “shot at” (like a gun, so to speak) the human brain with advanced technologies.

Of course such technologies are kept mostly secret due to several governments, apparently including the U.S. government, not wanting their citizens to know that they have such remotely controlled technologies to be used for torture and potentially secretly cause death.

Even so, a U.S. government listing clearly says that such technology to be used to torture human brains (without describing it as torture) was achieved many years ago, and it was suggested that such technology be used by “law enforcement.”

READ: US gov’t scientists suggested monitoring brain activity for ‘anti-crime’ and ‘security’ purposes

(An off-subject comment is necessary here. The phrase “law enforcement” often wrongly describes entities like the FBI and local police; those entities might operate more as entrapment entities, which is not “law enforcement,” and entities which force Americans to support things like homosexuality, so-called “gay marriage,” transgenderism, etc. The FBI has said their field offices throughout America are scheming with local entities to enforce homosexuality (“sexual orientation”) and likely false marriage known as gay marriage, transgenderism (“gender identity”), etc. The FBI describes such enforcement as causing “institutional change” in support of false civil rights known as gender identity, sexual identity, and things included with those evils. Forcing Catholics and even non-religious persons to support homosexuality, false and destructive pseudo-marriages, and transgenderism is not “law enforcement.”

Thus, “law enforcement” can be a false label for such entities like the FBI and, unfortunately, local police in many locations. “Gestapo” and other renditions of “Gestapo” might sound polemical but actually accurately describe employees of those entities. Those who cooperate with their schemes should be aware that they might be cooperating in schemes to force “institutional change” in support of homosexuality, gay false marriage, transgenderism, etc.; those who participate in such schemes during the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass or in Church should be informed that their actions are mortally sinful profanation, mortally sinful deception, and are likely sinful for several other reasons.)

Radio wave brain technology suggested to be used by ‘law enforcement’

The U.S. government listing which says that brain-torturing radio wave, or microwave, weapons were achieved is from approximately the year 2004. The listing is for U.S. Navy research grants; the original listing is unavailable but it can be accessed through an internet archiving search. (How many other similar listings about remote torture technologies for U.S. law enforcement are no longer accessible on government websites?) The listing is partially provided as follows:

The main goal of the Phase I project wad to design and build a breadboard prototype of a temporary personnel incapacitation system called MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio). This non-lethal weapon is based on the well established microwave auditory effect (MAE). MAE results in a strong sound sensation in the human head when it is irradiated with specifically selected microwave pulses of low energy. Through the combination of pulse parameters and pulse power, it is possible to raise the auditory sensation to the “discomfort” level, deterring personnel from entering a protected perimeter or, if necessary, temporarily incapacitating particular individuals.

The listing suggests a “strong auditory effect” and “discomfort,” or what other people would accurately describe as torture, is experienced by those targeted by the microwave weapon. However, such technology might be able to be advanced to still have the torturous effect without the “strong auditory effect.”

READ: Obama-Biden administration legalized ‘neurological surveillance’ after Trump’s election

Also, some have mentioned that the microwave weapon can cause loss of balance – this suggests that the remotely controlled weapon could cause a person to fall. Falling often results in serious injury like hip fractures; those injuries may ultimately cause death. The weapon affects the brain; one might reasonably presume that such a weapon might be able to cause things like the rupture a brain aneurysm; “thermoelastic expansion of the brain matter” suggests such a possibility. One might also wonder if such a weapon could focus on other parts of the human body and cause injury; for example, focusing the weapon on a professional football player’s lower leg during his attempt to escape being tackled. Could such a weapon cause tearing of knee ligaments, the Achilles tendon, etc., simply by causing a small amount of extra stretching or expansion through increases in heat?

In other words, “discomfort” is not the only possible effect of the remotely controlled microwave weapon, and the government listing is obviously misleading in claiming that the weapon is “non-lethal.”

Now, the same 2004 U.S. government listing proceeds by describing that such technology can be used on crowds and then focused onto individuals, and it suggests that “law enforcement” should use the portable and remotely and secretly controlled technology:

Potential applications of the MEDUSA system are as a perimeter protection sensor in deterrence systems for industrial and national sites, for use in systems to assist communication with hearing impaired persons, use by law enforcement and military personnel for crowd control and asset protection. The system will: be portable, require low power, have a controllable radius of coverage, be able to switch from crowd to individual coverage, cause a temporarily incapacitating effect, have a low probability of fatality or permanent injury, cause no damage to property, and have a low probability of affecting friendly personnel. (Emphasis added)

The statement provides a very significant hint about the general abilities of technologies with the possibility of remote and secret mind control and/or torture; it says that “the system will…be able to switch from crowd to individual coverage.” This means that the remote, portable, and secret brain torture weapon can “shoot at” and “hit” small targets, so to speak, from a remote location.

To be able to accurately switch from a crowd to one person’s brain with a remotely controlled, portable, invisible, and otherwise secret weapon is a very big deal and should be emphasized.

Now, apply that principle to one person’s brain: if such a remote, portable, and secret weapon can zoom in from a crowd to incapacitate one person’s brain, then such a weapon might also be able to “zoom in on,” so to speak, and stimulate or incapacitate specific locations in one person’s brain, thus resulting in specific thoughts or bodily movements. The ability to switch from larger to much smaller – from a crowd to an individual – might also apply to switching from the brain as a whole to specific smaller locations (individual neurons) in the brain.

READ: CDC subcommittee implies the US gov’t has ‘surveillance systems for mental illness’

And scientists actually say that microwave technologies can stimulate specific locations of the human brain, described as follows (in the quotation, “neuro-modulation,” basically means brain control, “neuro-stimulation” is brain stimulation, and “non-invasive” means without surgery or implanting computer chips or other technologies):

Non-invasive stimulation of biological tissue is highly desirable for several biomedical applications. Of specific interest are methods for tumor treatment, endometrial ablation, and neuro-modulation…In recent years, microwave (MW) methods have seen an increase usage as a minimally invasive treatment modality for ablation and neuro-stimulation. Unlike low frequency signals, MW signals can be focused to localized sub-centimeter regions… The major innovation of the presented method is that the fields that penetrate the biological region are determined via computing numerical Green’s functions (NGF) that are then used to drive an optimization algorithm. Using simplified models of regions in the human body, it is shown that the MW fields at 1 GHz can be focused to sub-centimeter sized “hot spots” at depths of several centimeters. The algorithm can be easily extended to more realistic models of the human body or for non-biological applications. (Emphasis added)

The main point to take from the previous quotation is that scientists, at minimum, suggest that microwaves can be focused on very small locations in the human brain. The scientists concluded that “tight electromagnetic focusing inside a biological tissue” is not only possible, but even more, “the focal point can be electronically steered.” (See: results) Such technologies, when combined with known U.S. government (and several other governments’) use of microwave technologies for torture provide significant support for the suggestion that remote and secret mind control technologies could already be developed by the U.S. government and other governments.

It is also significant that the previous reference is not from government scientists; government scientists may have already advanced the technology well beyond what the previous reference describes. And they might have achieved those advancements many years ago. Such government scientists would likely keep those technologies secret.

It is also worth emphasizing that the 2004 U.S. government listing suggests that “law enforcement” use the remote, secret, and portable brain torture technologies. Such government listings provide more support for the suggestion of requiring all government law enforcement, security, intelligence community, investigative, and similar entities to publish their technologies, techniques, sources, methods, operations, hoaxes, and other actions.

U.S. government remote ‘directed energy weapon’ causes ‘intolerable heating sensation’

There is another technology that should be mentioned here that the U.S. government openly describes as being in use. It is a directed energy and remotely used weapon which apparently heats water molecules in a targeted person’s skin and causes severe pain. It is called the “Active Denial System” and, much like the previously described technology, can be targeted at an individual:

Traveling at the speed of light, an invisible DE [Directed Energy] beam of radio frequency millimeter waves engages the subject, penetrating skin to a depth of only about 1/64th of an inch – the equivalent of three sheets of printer paper. This repel effect produces an intolerable heating sensation, compelling the targeted individual to instinctively move. (Emphasis added)

The main point of emphasis here is that the U.S. government openly describes a remote weapon which uses (invisible, of course) radio frequency waves to cause severe pain in a person. Would the FBI or local police use such weapons to torture individuals if they could get away with it?

READ: Do the government’s broad ‘biosurveillance’ powers include brain reading?

A different article describes FBI and local police using radar technology which can “see into” homes, thus potentially observing every move every person in America makes throughout their life. Congress and Presidents apparently have done nothing to attempt to stop use of such technologies. In other words, if secret torture weapons are available, the FBI and local police might use them, thinking that there are no consequences to almost anything they do. Again, the above information suggests an urgent need to require all government law enforcement, security, intelligence community, investigative, and any similar entities to publish their technologies, techniques, sources, methods, operations, hoaxes, and other actions.

At minimum, the above information provides significant support for the suggestion that government remote and secret mind control, or what would reasonably be described as covert torture, are possible. The information also supports the suggestion that U.S. and local government national security, secret police, investigative, intelligence community, and other entities are likely to be the entities which use such remote and secret mind controlling and/or torture technologies. The use of such technologies might vary in different cities throughout America and the rest of the world.

(Another off subject comment is necessary. Directed Energy Weapons sometimes function by heating water molecules; using such powerful directed energy lasers from space might be able to heat water molecules in the atmosphere, ocean, etc. This suggests the possibility that powerful directed energy lasers might be able to cause differences in climates, or artificially modify the weather as U.S. federal law described as early as the 1970s, thus causing unseasonable increases or decreases in temperatures or precipitation and further propagating the hoax known as “climate change.”)

U.S. companies develop remote technologies with Islamic countries

There is more to discuss on this subject, although it cannot be completely discussed here. There are several companies in America which could develop such torture technologies; those companies might then provide local police with such technologies. Several of those companies have locations in multiple countries; for example, Raytheon is a company which had developed the torture technology described above as the “Active Denial System” which uses invisible radio waves to cause torture to the skin (without describing it as torture). Raytheon has had several locations throughout America; for example, before it was purchased by BAE Systems, Raytheon was located in smaller cities like Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is still located in major cities like Arlington, VA.

But Raytheon also has locations in Saudi Arabia, a country which basically forces its citizens to follow and/or support the political sect known as Islam. (BAE Systems, which purchased some Raytheon locations like the one in Fort Wayne, also has offices in Saudi Arabia.) Is Saudi Arabia, which enforces Sharia law, going to compromise with those non-Islamic companies and the cities where those companies are located, or is Saudi Arabia going to force those companies to compromise in favor of Saudi Arabia’s Muslim Sharia law? Saudi Arabia is unlikely to compromise.

READ: Congress needs to enact laws protecting us from illegal government surveillance

And would Saudi Arabia attempt to covertly conquer America through the developing mind controlling and other torture technologies which might then be provided to and used by local secret police or FBI?

U.S. Attorneys are considered “the chief federal law enforcement officer in their district” throughout every district in America; district attorneys are more local chief law enforcement officers in their areas. Some or many of those are supported by anti-American billionaires. Such district attorneys also work closely with the FBI and local police. In other words, the lawyers and other employees of the FBI, local police, U.S. Attorneys Offices, and District Attorneys Offices often rely on each other and thus might be accurately described as a military within the U.S. rather than separate entities. Such a military could easily be indirectly controlled by anti-American entities like Saudi Arabia. Would such people use mind reading and torture technology on Americans in exchange for bribes from the anti-American billionaires or Islamic countries?

And there is much more to discuss on the subject but it cannot be mentioned here.

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