
American Voters More Concerned Over Biden’s Cognitive Health Than Trump’s: News Nation/Decision Desk HQ Poll – American Faith

Recent poll results revealed by NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ indicate an escalating concern among American voters regarding the cognitive health of President Joe Biden, in comparison to that of his predecessor and potential 2024 opponent, Donald Trump.

This disclosure surfaces as the current administration endeavors to counter concerns and speculations about the president’s cognitive capabilities and his age impacting his proficiency in executing presidential duties.

According to the survey, a substantial 52.21% of voters expressed being “very concerned” about the effect of Biden’s cognitive health on his potential to serve another term, overshadowing the concerns for Trump, which stand at around 38.22%.

In contrast, approximately 22.91% of the electorate disclosed no concerns whatsoever regarding Trump’s cognitive wellbeing, a figure significantly higher than the 13.19% who manifested a similar lack of concern for Biden.

The survey further illustrated that around 22.1% of the electorate were “somewhat concerned” about Biden’s cognitive state, a number slightly more elevated than the 20.76% who expressed analogous concerns for Trump.

Meanwhile, Biden and Trump received 12.51% and 18.12% respectively from voters claiming they are “not too concerned” about their cognitive health.

At the top of discussions is the age of President Biden, who, at 80, holds the record as the oldest president in the history of the United States.

Should he secure a victory in the 2024 elections, Biden will be 82 years old at his subsequent inauguration and would complete his term at 86, The Hill points out.

This comparison brings former President Reagan into focus, who concluded his term in January 1989 at the age of 77, previously holding the record as the oldest president to leave office.

On Thursday, House Republicans held the first impeachment inquiry hearing into President Biden at 10:00 a.m. ET.

The hearing examined “the value of an impeachment inquiry” and offered all evidence thus far uncovered by the committee in its investigation into the Biden family finances, Fox News reported.

On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump skipped the second GOP debate held by Fox News and instead addressed current and former union members in a Michigan speech.

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