
New Documents Reveal Hunter Sold Access to Biden ‘Brand’ as ‘The Keys’ to Influence—Investigation Obstructed by DOJ: House Ways & Means Committee – American Faith

Originally published September 27, 2023 1:19 pm PDT

The House Ways and Means Committee has unveiled a series of documents revealing apparently deep-rooted connections between President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s global business dealings.

The revelations were made public in a statement by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO).

These newly-released materials have sparked serious concerns over Hunter Biden’s endeavors to sell influence and access to the Biden “brand,” leveraging his father’s political stature, referred to as “the keys” to “my family’s only asset.”

“The evidence shows a pattern of Hunter Biden creating for-profit entities to shield at least $20 million from foreign sources from taxes and hide the trail of payments that led to members of the Biden family,” states the release, highlighting a scheme purported to have generated millions from foreign countries.

Influence Peddling and Profit Scheme
The documents suggest that the “Biden Family’s business schemes” were extensive and multifaceted, implicating Hunter in selling access to his father’s political influence, even bragging in a 2017 email to a Chinese business executive about negotiating a contract for “$10 million per year for introductions alone.”

The release states, “Payments totaling over $20 million from foreign sources have been identified so far,” with income originating from various foreign countries, including China, Ukraine, and Romania.

In detailing the extensive network utilized for these operations, the release mentions the formation of “over 20 entities/subsidiaries” by Hunter and his associates to obfuscate payments, even considering purchasing banks in Ireland or Lithuania to circumvent banking license rules, ultimately aiming to acquire a U.S. bank.

White House Access and Connection to Joe Biden
Allegations within the documents also relate to the Biden associates receiving access to the White House and Joe Biden’s advisors.

The release reveals official trips to Ukraine that seem to align U.S. government actions with Hunter Biden’s financial interests.

“IRS investigators detailed in a worksheet that then-Vice President Biden’s April 2014 official visit to Ukraine occurred only days after a series of White House meetings with Hunter and his business associates,” states the press release.

The statement continues to underscore Joe Biden’s connection, stating that the “details released today paint a fuller picture of how Joe Biden’s vice-presidential office was instrumental to the Biden Family’s business schemes.”

Alleged DOJ and IRS Interference
The disclosed documents also touch upon claims of interference and protection by the Justice Department and IRS, purportedly to shield the Biden family from investigation.

The documents describe this protection as “strongest whenever investigative steps might have led to or implicated actions taken by Joe Biden.”

The release alleges, “DOJ delayed the investigation of Hunter Biden and allowed the statute of limitations to expire for 2014 and 2015,” potentially pertaining to income from Ukraine.

Furthermore, investigators reportedly noted that the investigation was being “hampered and artificially slowed.”

Additionally, accusations point to Hunter’s apparent expectation that legal scrutiny and issues would “go away when his dad became President.”

Response from the Ways and Means Committee
Chairman Jason Smith, in releasing the statement, asserted that these documents “corroborate their initial testimony to the Committee and reinforce their credibility and their high esteem among colleagues.”

Expressing the Committee’s ongoing commitment, Smith declared, “We have promised to go where the facts lead us and that is exactly what we will do to get answers for the American people.”

This ongoing investigation by the Ways and Means Committee continues to unfold, revealing a purportedly intricate web of influence, finance, and political power, and prompting crucial questions regarding the integrity and operations of one of the nation’s most prominent political families.

In conclusion, Chairman Smith emphasized the seriousness of the unearthed evidence, asserting that it “makes clear Hunter Biden’s business was selling the Biden ‘brand’ and that access to the White House was his family’s most valuable asset – despite official claims otherwise.”

Watch the Ways and Means Committee press briefing:

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