Are the Indictments Backfiring? – Intercessors for America

Some polls are showing Trump ahead of Biden. Are the former president’s indictments less popular and effective than the Democrats …

September 29, 2023

Managing Editor for Publishing and Experiences Director at Good Faith Media. He is a historian, lecturer, public speaker, award-winning author …

Desperate for Change ad – Intercessors for America

Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our …

We Are Not Home Yet

The eternally glorious Son of God was treated as a stranger among His own people (John 1:10–11). But He came to …

Infants Are Easily Discontented

As we press on in the Christian life, as we advance from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity, we find joyfulness …

Teach Your Children Well

According to Barna’s research, those who believe the following are very likely to live a faithful, Christian life: God is the …

Reining in the Presumptuous Parachurch

I don’t think the ideal or realistic scenario is for all Christian ministry to take place within local churches or …

Come to Our Help!

Perhaps today you are experiencing a difficult season and you feel like the Lord is asleep instead of coming to …

What to Do When the Lord Seems Absent

Sometimes the Lord Seems to Hide His Face In Isaiah 8:17–18 there is both the sad situation of the church …