
Israeli Defense Minister Says Hamas has Started a War That ‘Israel Will Win’ – American Faith

Israel’s defense minister announced that the Hamas militant group has started a war against Israel that the country “will win.”

Yoav Gallant warned that Hamas “made a grave mistake” in launching rockets into southern and central Israel in its surprise morning attack.

“The state of Israel will win this war,” Gallant said.

The leader of Hamas’ military wing, Mohammed Deif, announced the beginning of what he called “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.”

“Today the people are regaining their revolution,” he said in the recorded message, as he encouraged Palestinians from east Jerusalem to northern Israel to join the fight and “expel the occupiers and demolish the walls.”

From Breitbart:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives his first public statement on the massive attack by the Hamas terror group, saying the country is at war.

“Citizens of Israel, we are at war,” he says. “And we will win.”

“The enemy will pay a price like they have never known before,” he says, in his first public statement on the matter, some five hours since the start of the assault by the Gaza-based terror group.
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