
Catholic lay leaders worldwide reject the ‘false church’ being set up by Pope Francis

Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality has concluded its 2023 session, but veteran lay Catholic leaders from across the world observe that the Synod is a globalist plot to set up a “false church” — a new ‘Catholic’ religion that will depart from Christ’s unchangeable truth handed down by the Apostles. Now, faithful Catholics are joining together — resisting the One World Religion and Pope Francis’ progressive agenda to re-create the Catholic Church. In a bombshell press conference, Catholic lay leaders are delivering an unmistakable message to the Vatican — signaling that faithful Catholics will not remain silent. Watch now for important messages from inspiring Catholic lay leaders, including LifeSiteNews co-founder John-Henry Westen, Remnant TV host Michael Matt, Ugandan MP Lucy Akello, Kenyan Alice Muchiri, French journalist Jeanne Smits, child advocate attorney Liz Yore, and British barrister (trial attorney) James Bogle.

October 31, 2023

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