
Top Liberal says Trudeau should step down as party leader amid dismal polling – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) –– Amid dismal polling numbers, a Liberal Party of Canada stalwart-turned-senator said the party needs to look for a new leader to replace Justin Trudeau.  

The comments were made by Senator Percy Downe, who served as former Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chrétien’s chief of staff, from 2001 to 2003. Downe was appointed a senator by Chrétien in 2003. 

On Wednesday, in an opinion piece for National Newswatch, Downe said that the “prudent course of action” is for another “Liberal Leader to rise from the impressive Liberal caucus and safeguard those policies [Trudeau] was actually able to accomplish.” 

“If the next Liberal Leader is able to bring the party back to the center of the political spectrum, Liberals have a chance of being reelected,” he wrote.  

Downe claimed that the party needs a new leader as it is the only one that has a “realistic chance of stopping a government led by Pierre Poilievre [the current Conservative leader].” 

Recent polling shows that support for Poilievre’s Conservative Party is hitting positive levels not seen since the early days of former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Indeed, a Federal @338Canada model has the “Outcome Odds” for a Conservative majority government at 95 percent.  

Digging a little deeper, a recent Leger poll shows the Conservatives taking some 211 seats, a gain of 90 seats (well over the majority of 170 needed) with the Trudeau Liberals losing some 90 seats to win only 70 if an election were held today.  

According to Downe, the opportunity for a Poilievre government was “created by a lack of fiscal responsibility in the Trudeau government, and the damage it caused our economy is now showing up in the opinion poll numbers.” 

He also said that more centrist Liberal Party members became reluctant to support Trudeau after realizing they could not persuade him to spend less money.

“That naiveté was replaced with the realization that they were not a serious government when it came to the economy, that they simply didn’t care and would throw money at anything that crossed their mind. The resulting interest rate hikes, increasing cost of living, and huge debt didn’t seem to concern them,” he wrote.  

Despite calling for Trudeau to be replaced, Downe expressed a lyrical sentiment toward the prime minister, saying “many party members are also grateful that Justin’s greatest accomplishment as leader has been his success in recruiting multitalented Canadians to serve in Parliament.” 

Liberal heavyweight claims Trudeau could step down as early as February  

Downe suggested, in a recent Hill Times interview, that he thinks Trudeau could step down as party leader as early as February of 2024. This was in the same month in 1984 that Trudeau’s father, Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau, decided he was not going to seek re-election. Later that same year, the Conservatives under Brian Mulroney won in a landslide.  

He claimed that there is a “possibility that under our first-past-the-post electoral system, Justin and the NDP could squeeze enough seats to form a minority government.” 

The Liberal Party, which has a minority government, formed an informal coalition with the New Democratic Party (NDP) last year, with the latter agreeing to support and keep the former in power until the next election is mandated by law in 2025.   

However, Downe noted about this possible outcome, that the “questions for Justin Trudeau are: given the divisions in our country, is that the best result for Canada, and is it the best result for Justin personally?” 

Earlier this week, Poilievre dared Trudeau to call a “carbon tax” election so Canadians can decide for themselves if they want a government for or against a tax that has caused home heating bills to double in some provinces.   

The controversy around the carbon tax “pause” came after Trudeau announced last week he was pausing the collection of the carbon tax on home heating oil in Atlantic Canadian provinces for three years. Trudeau’s announcement came amid dismal polling numbers showing his government will be defeated in a landslide by the Conservative Party come the next election.    

Trudeau Liberals’ record over the past 8 years is filled with anti-life legislation and attacks on freedom of speech  

Since becoming leader of Canada in 2015 Trudeau has gone on the attack against pro-life Canadians through legalizing euthanasia, and giving out millions to pro-abortion groups.  

He also has gone on the attack against personal freedoms by calling Canadians who did not want to get the COVID shots in 2021 as people who do “not believe in science,” who are “often misogynists, often racists,” and even questioned whether Canada should continue to “tolerate these people.”   

Also, the Trudeau Liberals have passed two bills, C-18, and C-11, recently pertaining to the internet which critics have warned stile freedom of speech and media rights.  

The Trudeau government is also the only Canadian government in recent history to enact emergency powers.  

On February 14, 2022, Trudeau’s federal government enacted the Emergencies Act to stop the Freedom Convoy, which saw thousands descend upon Ottawa to demand an end to COVID mandates in all forms. 

During the clear out of protestors, after the EA was put in place, one protester, an elderly lady, was trampled by a police horse, and one conservative female reporter was beaten by police and shot with a tear gas canister.   

Trudeau revoked the EA on February 23.  

Freedom Convoy leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber are currently on trial in an Ottawa courthouse. LifeSiteNews has been covering the trial extensively.  

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