
Male cyclist takes first place at women’s race in Massachusetts – LifeSite

DEERFIELD, Massachusetts (LifeSiteNews) — A gender-confused male cyclist dominated a race this weekend against female competitors, the latest example of sportswomen losing to men who claim to be women.

“Catherine” Barnwell took first place in a race at the Tree House CX event in Massachusetts. He beat eight female cyclists although in a separate race he came in 18th out of 22.

In prior competitions Barnwell had competed against men (earning a “Did Not Finish”) while coming in third in a race against women.

The news drew widespread criticism after an X account that tracks males competing against women in cycling shared the news.

“Knowing a male was involved, the women should have refused to race. When will women learn they have the power to end this . . . all they need is the will,” wrote Seth Dillon of the Babylon Bee.

Women’s sports activist Riley Gaines called Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey a “spineless coward” for not speaking out about men beating females at their contests.

“Loser men stand astride [women] to feel like champions,” The Daily Wire‘s Jeremy Boreing wrote. “Sorry, girls. Your hard work and training aren’t more important than our feeling of unearned virtue.”

LifeSiteNews has extensively documented men who have dominated in women’s sports, including a male fencer who beat a 14-time female champion in October and a Canadian powerlifter.

READ: 50-year-old man competes with teenage girls in Toronto swim competition

The issue has drawn some political responses with states barring men from female competition. Sports associations have also barred or placed limits on gender-confused men competing against women.

As LifeSiteNews previously reported, the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), led by former liberal Republican Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, recently took criticism during a Senate hearing over the issue of allowing male athletes to compete in women’s athletic programs and to use changing and shower areas designed specifically for women and girls.

RELATED: 67% of Americans oppose men competing in women’s sports

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