
‘Words fail to express our grief’: Ohio pro-life group reacts to ‘devastating’ ballot measure loss – LifeSite

OHIO (LifeSiteNews) – As pro-life Ohioans reel from their loss on Issue 1, a ballot initiative that enshrined the “right” to abortion in the state’s constitution, the pro-life group Created Equal lamented the fate of unborn babies in the state, vowing to fight on and “get back to work” saving babies.

Created Equal president Mark Harrington released the following statement late last night:

By now, you’ve surely heard the devastating news: Ohio’s Issue 1 has passed.

Words fail to express our grief. Despite almost a year of sacrificial efforts by thousands of volunteers to educate voters about the extreme nature of this amendment, it is now part of the Ohio constitution.

This year, Created Equal undertook a massive effort. New to campaigning, we managed to directly reach over 750,000 voters at doorsteps and by phone. In doing so, we had meaningful conversations with tens of thousands of voters and exposed the truth about the radical abortion industry.

We drained our bank account by airing three highly effective TV ads that exposed abortion to millions of Ohioans.

We don’t grieve because we lost a political campaign. We mourn because babies will now die in increased numbers in Ohio. We know the battle to defend them just got even harder.

But we continue to fight for them anyway.

That’s what our mission at Created Equal is all about.

We save lives by winning people to our side. We have a responsibility to defend all human life, no matter the laws we are under.

So, yes – we mourn today. But tomorrow, we get back to work.

The enemies of life are now emboldened to take their murderous agenda to up to a dozen states in 2024. We don’t have time to lick our wounds.

In the coming days, we’ll process what led to this defeat and will keep you updated as to our next steps. But as my good friend and colleague Christen Polo said, “If abortion doesn’t stop, neither do we.”

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