
The Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association has failed faithful families – LifeSite

(Everyday For Life Canada) — The Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association, OCSTA, has become an organization that has abandoned its mission and vision. OCSTA states that its mission is “Inspired by the Gospel, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association provides the provincial voice, leadership and service for elected Catholic school trustees to promote and protect publicly funded Catholic education in Ontario.” And their vision is that “Ontario is enriched by a publicly funded Catholic education system governed by locally elected Catholic school trustees who serve with faith, commitment and compassion.” But the evidence proves otherwise. More about this later in the entry.

Here’s OCSTA’s most recent PR announcement:

On November 3rd, 2023 the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board had its official groundbreaking ceremony for St. Padre Pio Catholic Secondary School. Joining the Trustees of the Board, staff, and project partners were the Honourable Stephen Lecce, Ontario’s Minister of Education; Dr. Will Bouma, MPP for Brantford-Brant; His Worship Kevin Davis, Mayor of the City of Brantford; and City of Brantford Ward 3 Councilors, Greg Martin and Dan McCreary. The site was blessed by the Very Reverend Monsignor Murray Kroetsch, Chancellor of the Diocese of Hamilton.

Notice in the below photo that all the “do-gooder” politicians and trustees are present and named. The photo is meant to say: look at what we’re doing for the community. Make sure you vote for us again. The photo is also on the OCSTA Newsletter. But in reality, it’s nothing more than Catholic window dressing. Padre Pio must be rolling in his grave knowing that a future Catholic school in Ontario will have his name. His name is all the new school will have that is Catholic, and nothing to do with the way Padre Pio lived his life.

OCSTA has done little to truly defend and promote Catholic education in recent years. Did OCSTA try to protect Catholic education as codes of conduct in every board in the province were changed to contradict Catholic doctrine? The answer is NO.

Is OCSTA pushing back as secularism in the form of equity and inclusion education continues to sweep through Catholic schools in the province? The answer is NO.

Did OCSTA managed to keep equity and inclusive education from being embedded into every Religion Resource Guide from J.K. to Grade 12? The answer in NO.

Has OCSTA said publicly anything about the importance of defending the denominational right (it’s a constitutional right) Catholics have to govern their schools? It’s found in Section 19.1 of the Ontario Human Rights Code. The answer is NO.

It’s worth mentioning that OCSTA’s large board of directors includes Bishop John Boissonneau, Fr. Patrick Fitzpatrick and Chaplain Fr. Jim Mockler.

Here’s what the Ontario Human Rights Commission states regarding separate school rights:

Separate school rights preserved ’19 (1) This Act shall not be construed to adversely affect any right or privilege respecting separate schools enjoyed by separate school boards or their supporters under the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Education Act.’

Why has there been such a willingness by OCSTA to capitulate to secular values? OCSTA has failed at every opportunity to protect Catholic teaching about the person, marriage and family. Why have they not protected the one human right to govern separate schools to which they have a duty to protect? Building another school after a Catholic saint is not the solution. What is badly needed is to protect Catholic education in the province of Ontario. In not doing that, OCSTA is just another organization that has completely lost its mission and vision. Parents you now know.

Reprinted with permission from Everyday For Life Canada.

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