
Toronto Catholic school board elects pro-LGBT trustee as vice-chair – LifeSite

(Everyday For Life Canada) — The Toronto “Catholic” District School Board (TCDSB) on November 27, 2023, elected Nancy Crawford, trustee for Ward 12, as chair, and Markus de Domenico, trustee for Ward 2, as vice-chair. Crawford voted to support de Domenico as vice-chair.

De Domenico is one of the trustees who has aggressively pushed the DIE policy of diversity, inclusion and equity at the school board, even as the policy contradicts Catholic teaching about the person, marriage and family. De Domenico fully supports transgenderism as can be seen by his recent tweet (X post) below.

Why would Crawford vote for de Domenico? Parents in Ward 2 should be asking for answers. In the tweet, de Domenico also links to the controversial website Youthline. The website has many graphic and explicit resources. Titles include, Brazen: Trans Women Safer Sex GuidePrimed: Trans Men Safer Sex Guide and Autostraddle: Articles on sex and dating for queer women, trans and non-binary people. We don’t believe for a second that parents want their trustees to be promoting this adult website as a Catholic resource for students. But the link is there. And Crawford too must be in agreement. Is this the woke way of walking with Christ?

If the government were responsible for the undoing of Catholic education in Ontario, it would be one thing. However, the undermining of Catholic education has and is coming from within. The selection of the TCDSB chair and vice-chair is just the latest evidence that publicly funded Catholic schools have become no different, except for the names on the buildings, than public/secular schools. And all along the bishops of Ontario have “blessed” the process with their silence, and in some instances, even with their compliance. Parents you now know what your trustee will not tell you.

Reprinted with permission from Everyday For Life Canada.

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