Blessing Our City ad – Intercessors for America

Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our …

November 2023 BCO Amendments Update

Overture 23 (Item 2) on officers conforming to the biblical requirement for chastity has garnered favorable support from almost all …

A Polytheistic Empire – A New Experiment About to Fail?

Christianity compromised God’s biblical antithesis in the name of national unity.  If we were a Christian nation, we might have …

The Diversity We Need

Written by P. Jesse Rine | Thursday, November 30, 2023 This is the diversity we need: Christian colleges and universities …

A Clarion Call for the Ages

The argument Machen makes powerfully in Christianity and Liberalism is that liberals in the 1920s had abandoned the Christian religion—that though liberal …

Majoring in the Minors: Jonah

Paul views Jesus in Jonah-like terms, one who is both a true Israelite and true Israel himself, and in whom …

Hospitality in a Time of Food Allergies and Disorders

If creating a meal for someone with multiple allergies is not an option, create a gathering that doesn’t include a …

O Love that Wilt Not Let Me Go

On June 6, 1882, George Matheson sat alone a day before his sister’s wedding and penned “O Love That Wilt …