
Ice cream nation: Does Ecuador take the cherry?

A celebration in Ecuador isn’t a celebration unless ice cream is involved. That’s Angél Lozado’s viewpoint.

That’s not surprising. His great-great-great-great grandmother, Rosalia Suárez, is believed to have “invented” a wildly popular style of ice cream, helado de paila, made in a copper pot with ice. Living in the north-central city of Ibarra at the foot of the formerly snow-covered Imbabura volcano, she is said to have used ice from the surrounding mountains to create her fruity desserts. Today, most of the glaciers are long gone, but Mr. Lozado carries on the tradition by running Helados de Paila Fifth Generation Rosalia Suárez.

But this pride is not just marketing. From statues to art exhibits dedicated to ice cream – and the fact that it’s simply ubiquitous at any hour of any day of the week – the frozen treat has a special place in this Andean nation. “I eat ice cream every single day,” says Javier Lasluisa, a chef and professor of culinary arts at the Universidad de Las Américas in Quito. “It’s an off day if I don’t at least taste it.” 

Why We Wrote This

A story focused on

It’s in the nature of countries to compare and contrast. Often this is serious business. But it can also be a lot of fun, like in Ecuador where the Andean nation believes it loves ice cream more than everywhere else.

Everyone loves ice cream. But Ecuadorians, particularly in Andean cities, are convinced they love it more than anywhere else. There are art exhibits made about it, a monument dedicated to it, no celebration is considered complete without it, and it’s everywhere – even early on a weekday morning.  

From colorfully layered creamsicles sold informally out of travel coolers to perfectly swirled soft-serve to the traditional sorbet-like helado de paila, the capital’s historic center is a bastion of cool, creamy treats.

“I eat ice cream every single day,” says Javier Lasluisa, a chef and professor of culinary arts at the Universidad de Las Amricas in Quito. “It’s an off day if I don’t at least taste it.” His father and grandfather were both “ice cream men,” he says, making and selling the treat. And he and his wife recently started developing recipes for their own ice cream brand. He acknowledges it may not be daily fare for all Ecuadorians, but it’s a pillar at any special event or festival in the Andean zone of the nation.

Why We Wrote This

A story focused on

It’s in the nature of countries to compare and contrast. Often this is serious business. But it can also be a lot of fun, like in Ecuador where the Andean nation believes it loves ice cream more than everywhere else.

“We are a country that values our traditions, and ice cream is a part of that,” he says.

Down a steep slope from the historic center’s Independence Square is a creamy-yellow building that for the past 165 years has housed the San Agustín ice cream parlor. In a back room, up narrow stone steps, Joel Basurto stirs fresh coconut pulp and milk in a copper dish set atop a rough pile of ice and rock-salt, which are inside yet another copper container. After about 15 minutes of mixing round and round by hand, it slowly starts to solidify into the local treat, helado de paila. Small pieces of fresh coconut punctuate the thick, chilled dessert.

“Young or old, rain or shine, day or night, for Quiteños it’s always a good time for ice cream,” says manager Javier Muñiz. The cashier, dressed up in purple monk’s robes, says he sells scores of cones a day – not counting dine-in customers. Aside from the form in which the ice cream is made, part of what makes it so special are fresh local fruits like the taxo, also known as a banana passion fruit, or cherimoya, a custard apple.

Whitney Eulich

A vendor sells homemade ice cream pops in Quito’s Independence Square. She says the weather does not matter – her ice cream always sells quickly.

No celebration without ice cream

Local legend has it that Angél Lozado’s great-great-great-great grandmother Rosalia Suárez “invented” this style of ice cream in Ecuador. Living in the north-central city of Ibarra at the foot of the formerly snow-covered Imbabura volcano, she is said to have used ice from the surrounding mountains to create her fruity concoctions.

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