
Merry Christmas | Steve Williams – Blue Ridge Christian News

Merry Christmas

By Steve Williams

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Merry Christmas Friends,

“Preparing for Christmas,” said one fellow,” is a Wrap race.” At least, wisecracked another, “I’ve learned what the Yule means. My wife says, You’ll buy this, and you’ll wrap that, and I do.

But, really, that’s not the way to get ready for Christmas.

This is:

      1st  We Need to Review.

You and I need to take a good look at our hearts and homes. Christmas is Christ’s birthday. But we invite everyone to the party, except Christ. Christmas is more than a time for shopping and Santa. It’s a time for the Savior. Let’s Not crowd out Christ.

     2nd We Need to Repent:

Repentance is a change of mind. In repentance one says,” I’m wrong. I’m sorry. I’ve been putting fun and gifts ahead of God and His unspeakable gift. But from today on it’s Jesus first, others second, and me last.

3rd We Need to Renew:

     A man said to Mark Twain, “I wish I had never read Huckleberry Finn.” Why? Demanded the author. “So I could have the pleasure again of reading it for the first time.” He explained. Has the Christmas story lost its excitement because you’ve read it so often? Then Get alone with the Lord and His Word and read anew Luke 2:1-20, asking the Lord to make your heart burn within you as you read it.

4th We Need to Rededicate:

Give the Lord first place in your life. Delight in everything He wants you to do. Day and night meditate on His word and think about ways to follow Him more closely. Do these things, and this Christmas will be the Merriest Christmas of your Life.

As Christians, we need to understand we have the greatest gift anyone can ever receive. You say how is that? Simple, There‘s no prayer too hard for Him to answer, no need to great He can’t supply, no problem too difficult for Him to solve. So when we are facing a day of calamity, we can experience calm, in our days of perplexity, we can experience peace, in our days of temptation, we can experience triumph, in our days of sorrow we can experience a song. God’s Salvation and Grace is a gift that never goes away.

My Family Would Like To Wish All Of You A Merry Christmas, and our prayers are that God will Bless you with Good Health and Strength as we go into a New Year.

Pastor Steve Williams

Words Of  Wisdom

  • God can’t be Defeated. Nor can they who trust Him
  • The loneliest place in the world is the heart where the Lord Jesus is absent.
  • The best teachers are those who live by example.
  • No one can make you sin without your consent.
  • Got something to do? Do it with all you got.


Steve Williams is the pastor of Berry Chapel Baptist Church in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. You can read more good Christian news from Steve HERE.


Question of the month:

Why don’t you exchange gifts with God by accepting the gift of His Son and giving Him the gift of your body?

Joke of the Month

An atheist complained to a Christian friend, “You Christians have your special holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. Jews celebrate their national holidays, such as Passover and Yom Kippur. But we atheists have no recognized national holidays. It’s unfair discrimination.”
His friend replied, “Why don’t you celebrate April the First”  ( April Fool’s Day).

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