
Senate Republicans Block Ukraine, Israel Aid Bill Due to Border Crisis

On Wednesday, Senate Republicans blocked an emergency spending bill that would have sent billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine and Israel over the border crisis.

According to Town Hall, all Senate Republicans voted no on the procedural vote, which came out to   51-49, that would have advanced a $110.5 billion national security bill that also included a $50 billion for security assistance in Ukraine as well as $14 billion for Israel.  

Additionally, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) joined the GOP in opposing the bill due to concerns about funding Israel’s “current inhumane military strategy” in Gaza. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also voted no so that he could bring up the bill again. Overall, at least 60 votes are needed for the bill to be considered.

“As we’ve said for weeks, legislation that doesn’t include policy changes to secure our borders will not pass the Senate. The situation unfolding at our southern border on President Biden’s watch is a crisis of historic proportions. It’s glaring. It’s acute. And it’s undermining America’s national security,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said earlier Wednesday.

“In today’s Democratic Party, some of our colleagues appear to be so terrified of their radical base that they’re convinced open borders are worth jeopardizing U.S. security around the world… Securing America’s borders is less urgent than helping our partners defend theirs. If today’s vote is what it takes for the Democratic Leader to recognize that Senate Republicans mean what we say, then let’s vote. And then, let’s finally start meeting America’s national security priorities, including right here at home.”

Per the Washington Street Journal, President Joe denounced Senate Republicans for blocking the bill, warning that failure to provide aid for Ukraine could ultimately bring the United States into conflict with Russia. 

“Republicans think they get everything they want, without any bipartisan compromise. That’s not the answer,” Biden said. He accused them of “playing chicken with our national security.”

At the same time, however, Biden said that he would work with Republicans to do “significantly more” on border security to reach a deal with them. On the border crisis, Republicans argued that Democrats are not taking the matter seriously. It is estimated that there are illegal border crossings exceeding 8,000 a day.

Last Wednesday, Sens. Rick Scott (R., Fla.), Ron Johnson (R., Wis.), and Mike Lee (R., Utah) proposed that aid to Ukraine would be arranged as long as there is a reduction of illegal border crossings, including the release of money at a rate of $5 billion monthly given that the number of illegal crossings has decreased by approximately 20,000 from last month’s levels.

Photo Courtesy: ©Getty Images/John Moore/Staff

Video Courtesy: CBS Evening News via YouTube

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer and content creator. He is a contributing writer for Christian Headlines and the host of the For Your Soul Podcast, a podcast devoted to sound doctrine and biblical truth. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary.

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