
White House Confusion on Israel? – Intercessors for America

One person close to the vice president’s office said she believes the United States should be “tougher” on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; she has called for being “more forceful at seeking a long-term peace and two-state solution,” this person said. …

Harris’ private push to shape the White House message about the war reflects the extent to which Democrats — even the top two officials in the country — are struggling to walk a careful line about the Israel-Hamas war, amid a gruesome conflict that has rattled the Democratic political coalition down to the local level.

It also underscores the delicacy of the tight political partnership that Harris has developed with Biden, despite some longstanding differences in perspective on various issues. She has long been more attuned to criticism from the left than her more moderate running mate, and more determined to align herself with younger and more progressive constituencies in the Democratic Party. …

In the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel, which left more than a thousand civilians dead and hundreds more kidnapped as hostages, Harris urged Biden to make sure he condemned Islamophobia at the same time as he spoke out against anti-Semitism. The Washington Post reported last month that Harris “suggested” Biden add a line denouncing Islamophobia in his Oct. 10 speech on the outbreak of war.

Since then, Biden, Harris and other administration officials have grown increasingly willing to criticize Israel’s approach to battling Hamas, including this week when the president issued a stark warning to the Israeli government about the potential political consequences of its ferocious military offensive.

The president condemned what he called “indiscriminate bombing” — a criticism he’s previously leveled — and called on the hardline Netanyahu government to “change” its methods.

Harris was not the first or only administration official to publicly stress the importance of humanitarian harm, but her words as vice president carried extra weight to pro-Palestinian activists and others watching. …

More recently, Harris has spoken out about Israel’s military tactics in stern terms. After meeting in Dubai with leaders from Egypt, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, Harris reiterated that Israel had a right to defend itself — but added that “it matters how” Israel goes about that task.

“The United States is unequivocal: International humanitarian law must be respected. Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering, and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating. It is truly heartbreaking.” …

Despite the administration’s insistence that no gap exists, the perception that Harris has inched toward a more critical position than Biden’s has rippled through Democratic groups and advocacy organizations deeply involved in the debate over Israel and its conduct in Gaza. …

A pro-Israel Democrat who is close to Harris also said there had been “blowback” among some pro-Israel advocates over her recent comments. …

For certain segments of the electorate that have soured on Biden over his defense of Israel’s response to the Hamas attack, Harris’s approach has earned plaudits. Arab American and Muslim leaders said that they were pleased to see Harris’ remarks in Dubai — though they are looking for more than words at this point. …

It is vital that we pray for our elected officials. Let’s pray that the President and Vice President, the Cabinet, and leaders in Congress would understand God’s will for Israel and His will for America.

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:1-4).

(Excerpt from POLITICO. Photo Credit: Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

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