
Trump supports 16-week abortion ban with exceptions: report – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – The New York Times reported earlier today that former President Donald Trump “likes the idea of a 16-week national abortion ban with three exceptions, in cases of rape or incest, or to save the life of the mother.”

Since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade in June 2022, many Republicans have been cautious about stating their personal position on abortion restrictions, fearing negative electoral consequences, and Trump has been no exception.

While consistently indicating he supports some restrictions on abortion, he had also signaled support for the legal killing of preborn children at least before six weeks and even later in cases of a child being conceived in rape or incest.

The New York Times report, which describes its sources as “two people with direct knowledge of Mr. Trump’s deliberations,” also states that Trump “has said in private that he wants to wait until the Republican presidential primary contest is over to publicly discuss his views, because he doesn’t want to risk alienating social conservatives before he has secured the nomination.”

Additionally, the sources described that the former president has stated that he likes the “16-week” designation because “it’s a round number.”

“Know what I like about 16?” Trump is described as asking, “It’s even. It’s four months.”

And according to these anonymous sources, he is also fiercely committed to the legitimacy of maintaining the legality of killing preborn girls and boys who were conceived in rape, incest or who ostensibly represent a threat to the mother’s life.

The sources state that when Trump is discussing possible vice-presidential candidates, he often asks if they are “OK on abortion” and dismisses proposed prospects “instantly” when he hears they don’t support “the three exceptions,” believing it is a losing position for Republicans.

For decades, the pro-life movement has pointed out that unborn babies are not culpable for the circumstances of their conception and that the deliberate killing of a preborn baby is morally unjustifiable and absolutely never medically necessary. Medical interventions to deal with miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies are not abortions.

Karoline Leavitt, a Trump spokeswoman, provided a response to The New York Times avoiding any acknowledgement of these reported these private remarks.

“As President Trump has stated, he would sit down with both sides and negotiate a deal that everyone will be happy with,” Leavitt said, adding that he “appointed strong Constitutionalist federal judges and Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade and sent the decision back to the states, which others have tried to do for over 50 years.” The Times also reported that she condemned President Joe Biden and the Democrats for their radical position on supporting abortion through nine months of pregnancy.

In response to the report, Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, tweeted, “There is literally zero upside for Trump to talk about gestational limits. No pro-abortions voters will be won. And saying you support a 16 week limit because it’s an ‘even number’ even though it allows 94% of abortions turns away pro-lifers.”

Her tweet thread on the “X” platform went on to provide Trump with political advice on how to approach this issue, encouraging him to once again pledge pro-life nominees for the Supreme Court and federal benches, to “sign any law that comes to his desk” restricting abortion, and to “to lead a national conversation supporting mothers & families in crisis.”

Hawkins’ organization also released a statement asserting, “Protections for babies 16 weeks and beyond ISN’T good enough. We need protections for preborn babies from the moment of conception!”

Notably different was the reaction from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, whose president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, said last April the Trump campaign’s declaration that abortion should be left to the states was “morally indefensible.” She also vowed to “oppose any presidential candidate who refuses to embrace at a minimum a 15-week national standard.” Yet, just 18 days later, Dannenfelser praised Trump for a “terrific” meeting during which he reportedly reiterated his support for exceptions and opposition to Democrat extremism on the issue, without any indication he had committed to the “minimum” 15-week standard.

In response to this article today, the SBA Pro-Life America president said, “We strongly agree with President Trump on protecting babies from abortion violence at 16 weeks when they feel pain … A majority of Americans support this compassionate position.”

Shawn Carney, president of 40 Days for Life, demanded simple logic and true science from this rationale, asking, “What, scientifically speaking, changes from 15-weeks, 6 days to 16-weeks that makes us worthy to be born in America? Until we actually follow the science we’ll live in a fantasy world with absurd late-term abortion bans that grab numbers from thin air.”

In a 1951 address to Italian midwives, Pope Pius XII affirmed that since “every human being, even a child in the mother’s womb, has a right to life directly from God,” neither he nor the Church nor any “human authority … may offer or give a valid judicial title for a direct deliberate disposal of an innocent human life.”

St. John Paul II reiterated this teaching, affirming in Evangelium Vitae, “Nothing and no one can in any way permit the killing of an innocent human being, whether a fetus or an embryo, an infant or an adult,” and civil leaders “have a duty to make courageous choices in support of life, especially through legislative measures.” The saint maintained that this responsibility can never be renounced, for which they will “answer to God.”


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