
WHO Cautions against Disease X: “When, Not If” – Intercessors for America

The WHO’s Director-General has said that a new deadly disease is a matter of “when, not if.” When will this new disease hit America? Will it be used to shut down our nation and influence our elections just as COVID was?

From Fox News. World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus has issued a new warning about the likelihood of Disease X breaking out, telling global world leaders it is “a matter of when, not if” a new pathogen and pandemic will strike.

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Tedros, who goes by his first name and is not a medical doctor, told attendees at the World Government Summit in Dubai earlier his week he gave a similar warning in 2018 that a pandemic was likely to hit, and he was proven right with the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus.

Complaining that the world is still ill-prepared for a new pandemic, Tedros once again touted the urgent need for a global treaty to be agreed upon by May and dismissed suspicions of it being a WHO power grab as outlandish. …

“History teaches us that the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if,” Tedros added.

“It may be caused by an influenza virus, or a new coronavirus or a new pathogen we don’t even know about yet — what we call Disease X.”

Disease X is a hypothetical “placeholder” virus that has not yet formed, but scientists say it could be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19. About eight years ago, it was added to the WHO’s short list of pathogens for research that could cause a “serious international epidemic,” according to a 2022 WHO press release.

“As things stand, the world remains unprepared for the next Disease X, and the next pandemic,” he said. …

In preparation for the next outbreak, he said the clock is ticking on nations to come together and sign an international agreement on pandemic preparedness, with just 15 weeks left on the timeline agreed upon in 2021. Tedros said the treaty, which the Biden administration has been involved in negotiating, is a set of commitments by countries to strengthen the world’s defense with a “one health” approach. …

He cited two reasons why a consensus has not been reached. The first is nations have some differences, but he was confident they would be worked through.

The second major barrier, he said, is the “litany of lies and conspiracy theories about the agreement.”

“That it’s a power grab by the World Health Organization. That it will cede sovereignty to WHO. That it will give WHO power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries. That it’s an ‘attack on freedom.’ That WHO will not allow people to travel, and that WHO wants to control people’s lives. …

“These claims are utterly, completely, categorically false. … Anyone who says it will is either uninformed or lying.” …

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(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: iStock)

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