
Arizona Rancher Says He Has Found 17 Dead Bodies, Illegal Aliens Crawling on His Property – American Faith

A fourth-generation Arizona rancher who owns thousands of acres of land 10.5 miles along the southern border said he has found 17 dead bodies, rape trees, and illegal aliens crawling on his property.

John Ladd, 68, has been outspoken about the immigrants he has encountered due to the border crisis.

“That’s a rape tree,” Ladd reported. “Almost all the women who come across get raped by their guides, who then throw their underwear in the trees.”

Ladd carries a firearm at all times to protect his property and cattle that his family has owned for 127 years.

“I’m in favor of having American citizens and private property owners have more control over their destiny. That’s the bottom line,” Ladd said.

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